Heroin Support Blog

Our goal here is to provide our readers with the latest information about the signs substance abuse disorder, support groups, treatment options, life in recovery, prevention & advocacy in our communities, and how to deal with the grief of a lost loved one. If you have ideas or suggestions that you wish to share with us here please use our "Contact Us" page at the very bottom of this page to email us. You can click on our Memorial Map to add your loved ones tribute to the map and then a few days later we will add them to our memorial blog.

Heroin Memorial - 2018/09/24 - Jared Murphy - Age 29 yrs - Richmond, Virginia


Submitted by: Damon Murphy - Brother

Name: Jared Murphy
State:  Virginia, 23222
Date of Passing: 09/24/ 2018
Date of Birth: 02/17/1989
Age: 29

Tell Us About Them:

Did you ever meet a man so warm and intriguing that you didn't want to stop talking to him? Then you met my best friend and brother Jared (Gene) Murphy. Jared was a bright light, rugged outdoorsman, talented speaker, authentic feeler, and the most masculine tender spirit I ever encountered- textbook gentle giant. Jared made friends easily with people on the streets and upper management at the fortune 100 company where he worked for years, Jared knew that EVERY person had a valuable story to tell and he wanted to hear it. He believed that we had simply all had different life experiences- different -no one is better than another. A wordsmith, jared would have you laughing so hard you couldn't stand up straight- always quick with an anecdote from his own life experiences, one of his many gifts was his ability to relate to your current emotion/feeling and find the positive in despite its origin. He had original ideas and wanted to share them with the hope that they might resonate and help someone think differently, feel differently, grow stronger, or accomplish more. One night over dinner and discussion he told me he was going to have business cards printed up- Jared R. Murphy, Commentator at large- he added more to my life than little brothers are expected to. Jared had a way of telling you about yourself, maybe expressing his view of you, that made you feel like 'woah, this dude knows me to the core and just psychoanalyzed me in real time for MY benefit'. It was because he had VERY sensitive feelers, when you laughed he felt it in his gut, when you cried his heart ached with you and maybe even more so because 'got it'. Always a quick smile, always the moral compass, always an advocate of mindful consideration. Jared 'Eugene Bexley Fobbins' Murphy, the BRIGHTEST star in my darkest night- you belong among the wildflowers, you belong somewhere close to me, far away from your trouble and worry- you belong somewhere you feel free. I love your spirit- I feel you beside me, your smile- I can see it, your wit- I can hear it, your beard- can I touch? sure-go ahead, forever, ever.

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

The battle with heroin for jared was constant. He had the most success with sobriety when he was helping others, it was only when he had spent all of his heart and emotion on others that he used. Jared hated addiction. He tried what made sense to him to try, he added things in when he'd take heroin out of his routine, he'd listen to anyone else who struggled with it searching for a thing that made sense or would work. Eventually the struggle brought him to tears. He understood his addiction and tried to control it.

What Made Them Smile?

When Jared was in nature he felt connected, a sunrise or sunset, a cool breeze, an eight mile hike up a mountain he wanted to take it all in. Mason made jared laugh and yell- our 'big buddddddy', the boy- jared would let mason lick his face until he stopped and sometimes that would be too long for peoples comfort- the thing was that masons drool was kisses to jared and he wanted all of the kissesssssss and lovinsss. If jared could help a person or add something situationally beneficial he smiled from the inside out- helping people was calling and his gift. He was sensitive, patient, and forgiving of everyone but himself. So many people, situations, landscapes, and feelings made jared smile that the list could almost never end, almost.

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

I selfishly miss his long hugs, strength, and drive. His spirit. His laugh.

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

He got the action, he got the motion
Oh yeah, the BOY CAN PLAY
Dedication, devotion
Turning all the night time into the day
And after all the violence and double talk 
There's just a song in all the trouble and strife
You do the walk, you do the walk of life
You do the walk of life.


#AskMeAboutMyAngel #HeroinMemorial #GoneToSoon

www.HeroinMemorial.org   www.HeroinSupport.org 

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Heroin Memorial - 2017/09/03 - Troy Causyn - Age 23 yrs - Byron, New York


Submitted by: Tina Causyn - Parent

Name: Troy Causyn
State:  New York, 14422
Date of Passing: 09/03/ 2017
Date of Birth: 06 /14/1994
Age: 23 

Tell Us About Them:

Troy had a heart of gold. He was kind, easy going, quiet and shy. He loved fishing, camping, dirt bikes and just hanging out with friends. He was the third child of four boys.

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

Troy's addiction started at age 19. He wanted to be clean so bad. He hated how he felt after using. He would feel guilty and did not want to disappoint me or his dad. He was clean for almost a year before his life was taken from heroin/fentanyl overdose.

What Made Them Smile?

A sunny day hanging out with friends and family made him smile.

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

I miss his smile. I miss seeing him. I miss him at family events or when he was just hanging around at the house. I miss being able to talk to him and him asking my advice.

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

I love you Troy more than you will ever know. You can do anything you put your mind to, please don't give up.


#AskMeAboutMyAngel #HeroinMemorial #GoneToSoon

www.HeroinMemorial.org   www.HeroinSupport.org 

Click here to submit your own memorial tribute.

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Heroin Memorial - 2016/02/21 - Jason Balasus - Age 42 yrs - Dundalk, Maryland


2016/02/21 - Jason Balasus - Age 42 yrs - Dundalk, Maryland

Submitted by: Jackie Rineer - Sibling

Name: Jason Balasus
State:  Please choose a state., 21222

Date of Passing: 02/21/2016
Date of Birth: 01/07/1974
Age: 42 

Tell Us About Them:

My brother was funny, loving, and caring. I think everyone he met liked him and thought he was such a nice person. He loved making others happy however he could. He had such a big heart, he took his good friends sister, who is mentally challenged, to her prom because he cared about her. That's just the kind of person he was.

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

I don't know exactly when it started but when he met heroin it went downhill quickly. He struggled with that for several years, and drinking. Eventually after one failed rehab attempt, he got on methadone. He was in that for about 10 years. I don't think the drinking ever stopped though. He had to stop the methadone because of money problems so he decided to quit drinking as well and get healthy! I guess it was much more of a struggle then he let his family know, we thought he was doing great! Then I got a call that he was found deceased from an apparent heroin overdose.

What Made Them Smile?

He loved music and spending time with his family. He adored his nephew, my son. They were best buddies!he also loved animals including his very special cat, Hope.

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

His sense of humor. He always made us laugh!!!!

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

I'm sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't help you.


#AskMeAboutMyAngel #HeroinMemorial #GoneToSoon

www.HeroinMemorial.org   www.HeroinSupport.org 

Click here to submit your own memorial tribute.

* Feel free to make supportive comments about this article at the bottom of this page using your Facebook profile.

#AskMeAboutMyAngel  #HeroinMemorial   www.HeroinMemorial.org      www.HeroinSupport.org  

 Below is a video our nonprofit here created from pictures that members from the private group at Heroin Memorial gave us permission to use in our public YouTube video to help break the STIGMA around addiction.

Click here to Purchase Wristbands to support Heroin Support Inc, a 501(c)3 Nonprofit.  Below are some of the wristbands we carry.   

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Heroin Memorial - 2015/12/23 - Jason Freburger - Age 29 yrs - Pasadena, Maryland


2015/12/23 - Jason Freburger - Age 29 yrs - Pasadena, Maryland

Submitted by: Debbie Freburger - Parent

Name: Jason Freburger
State:  Maryland, 21122

Date of Passing: 12/23/15
Date of Birth: 9/13/86
Age: 29 

Tell Us About Them:

He was an electrician, loved his family and wanted to live a simple life.

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

He was in several inpatient rehabs(never allowed enough time there) horrible unaccountable halfway homes, IOP's and drug court. He wanted so bad to be clean. We talked about it all the time. He was truly in the fight of his life.

What Made Them Smile?

His family, fishing, puppies and xbox.

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

Being alive and with us.

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

Dad and I love you so much and even though you lost, we're so proud of the battle you put up against Heroin.

#AskMeAboutMyAngel #HeroinMemorial #GoneToSoon

www.HeroinMemorial.org   www.HeroinSupport.org 

Click here to submit your own memorial tribute.

* Feel free to make supportive comments about this article at the bottom of this page using your Facebook profile.

#AskMeAboutMyAngel  #HeroinMemorial   www.HeroinMemorial.org      www.HeroinSupport.org  

 Below is a video our nonprofit here created from pictures that members from the private group at Heroin Memorial gave us permission to use in our public YouTube video to help break the STIGMA around addiction.

Click here to Purchase Wristbands to support Heroin Support Inc, a 501(c)3 Nonprofit.  Below are some of the wristbands we carry.   

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Heroin Memorial - 2016/02/17 - Tiffany Ewen - Age 25 yrs - Greeley, Colorado


2016/02/17 - Tiffany Ewen - Age 25 yrs - Greeley, Colorado

Submitted by: Bonnie Ewen - Parent

Name: Tiffany Ewen
State:  Colorado, 80634

Date of Passing: 02/17/2016
Date of Birth: 08/2111/1990
Age: 25 

Tell Us About Them:

Tiffany had a heart of gold who blessed everyone she came in contact with. She cared so much for and helped others. She was artistic and talented. She enjoyed singing, playing guitar, acting and drawing. She had a close relationship with her family, especially with her mother. She had an amazing sense of humor. She loved to read and especially loved the Harry Potter series.

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

Tiffany became addicted to painkillers that her doctor was handing out to her like candy. This eventually turned into a heroin addiction. She got clean in March of 2013 and stayed clean for 18 months. She relapsed and overdosed, but her mother who checked on her got her to the hospital in time. She then moved to Colorado to go to treatment. She relapsed a few times, but then stayed clean for around a year. She relapsed approximately 2 months before her death, unbeknownst to her family. She died of a heroin overdose on 2/17/2016.

What Made Them Smile?

Her family and friends. Funny TV shows and movies. She was an avid fan of Lady Gaga and saw her in concert twice. Anything Lady Gaga made her smile. So did singing and music.

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

Everything. I miss everything about her. Her voice, her laughter, conversations with her, her love and spirit, her sense of humor. I miss everything.

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

I miss you so much my baby girl. I love you always forever. I know you are always with me. Please keep sending me signs that you are ok.

#AskMeAboutMyAngel #HeroinMemorial #GoneToSoon

www.HeroinMemorial.org   www.HeroinSupport.org 

Click here to submit your own memorial tribute.


* Feel free to make supportive comments about this article at the bottom of this page using your Facebook profile.

#AskMeAboutMyAngel  #HeroinMemorial   www.HeroinMemorial.org      www.HeroinSupport.org  

 Below is a video our nonprofit here created from pictures that members from the private group at Heroin Memorial gave us permission to use in our public YouTube video to help break the STIGMA around addiction.

Click here to Purchase Wristbands to support Heroin Support Inc, a 501(c)3 Nonprofit.  Below are some of the wristbands we carry.   

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Heroin Memorial - 2015/12/07 - Steven Walsh - Age 31 yrs - Warren, Michigan


12/0715 - Steven Walsh - Age 31 yrs - Michigan

Submitted by: Connie DeMetsenare - Parent

Name: Steven Walsh
State:  Michigan, 48088

Date of Passing: 12/0715
Date of Birth: 11/04/84
Age: 31 

Tell Us About Them:

Steven Walsh was more than a death certificate, Steve was bigger than life.
I knew this day was coming, I have been battling to keep him alive for the past 5 years. I went on the roller coaster ride of his life, as a mother, it is your job to keep your children safe.
I realized that night that my life has forever changed. I have spent the last 5 years with only one goal. Keeping him alive. I have neglected my family, my home, my job, my friends and myself.
Steve loved, passionately. If you were his friend, you were his friend. It didn't matter what color you were, what sexual preference you had, what you did for a living. He loved you.
His legacy is that everyone is different, everyone has a worth and everyone was worthy of love. Period.
I grieve for my son, I grieve for his friends, his children, but mostly I grieve for what he could have been.
Steve was more than just a bipolar drug addict. He was my son. He was a brother, a father, a friend. He was a fellow human that felt pain and happiness and he was too much for this world.
Your energy is back to the cosmos, Steve. Fly free. Rest your head and feel the love you have left behind.

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

Steve had been off and on heroin for years, he would get off of it and then something would happen and right back to it he ran. His last few months alive, he overdosed multiple times, barely surviving each one. Until the last... God, I miss him so much!

What Made Them Smile?

Steve was a performer, he loved his craft and loved to make people feel his energy. He loved to challenge your thoughts on different subjects and would debate for hours on anything. He loved science; he had an incredible brain.

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

I miss everything. There is not one thing more important than the other. I will say I miss his voice, his love he showed me daily.

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

This is hard to answer, we are Atheist, and therefore do not believe in angels.
I don't have to say anything else to him, we said it all before he died. We both knew this day was coming, we talked at great lengths about it. I am comfortable that all that needed to be said was said.


#AskMeAboutMyAngel #HeroinMemorial #GoneToSoon

www.HeroinMemorial.org   www.HeroinSupport.org 

Click here to submit your own memorial tribute.


* Feel free to make supportive comments about this article at the bottom of this page using your Facebook profile.

#AskMeAboutMyAngel  #HeroinMemorial   www.HeroinMemorial.org      www.HeroinSupport.org  

 Below is a video our nonprofit here created from pictures that members from the private group at Heroin Memorial gave us permission to use in our public YouTube video to help break the STIGMA around addiction.

Click here to Purchase Wristbands to support Heroin Support Inc, a 501(c)3 Nonprofit.  Below are some of the wristbands we carry.   

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Heroin Memorial - 2015/08/25 - Alyssa Maluski - Age 21 yrs - New Britain, Connecticut


2015/08/25 - Alyssa Maluski - Age 21 yrs - New Britain, Connecticut

Submitted by: Dean Maluski - Parent

Name: Alyssa Maluski
Connecticut, 06051
Date of Passing: 08/25/2015
Date of Birth: 05/31/1994
Age: 21 

Tell Us About Them:

Alyssa was a fairly quiet child. Right from the start it amazed us that she didn’t complain too much, no sleepless nights trying to get the little one to sleep. When we tucked her into bed she would cuddle in and as we turned out the lights saw a happy content face drifting off to sleep.  As a young child when grandma would come to visit she would bring presents for her grandkids. Alyssa would not harp grandma with expectation or excitement, instead she would patiently wait for her gift but show appreciation when she got it.

When she was in her adolescence she let her grades slip. We knew she was very smart but couldn’t seem to get her motivated in school. Midway through high school she had an awakening on her own and decided to start trying and oh boy did she. Through junior and senior years she maintained a 4.0 average, even taking a few extra credits to make up for her poor grades earlier in her high school graduating on the honor roll in 2012. From junior year onward she bonded very closely with her dad and we had many good times talking well into the night on various subjects.

While a senior in high school she got a job at a pizza shop. She ran the counter and as she gained more experience the owner who was very busy with family and another job in a large part let her run the business. I used to tell her she could own her own pizza shop someday. Her response was “No Way, it’s too hot in the kitchen and I don’t want to smell like pizza all the time.” I agreed with her since she had great ability I knew she could do great things once she gained her education.

Alyssa had a big heart, she looked out for others and would go many extra miles to see that the ones she cared about were taken care of physically and emotionally. She read a great deal and was also a deep thinker. When in a group of people she wasn’t the talker but the silent one that patiently listened. When challenged to many peoples surprise she had absorbed everything said and would speak her opinion which was generally on target with well thought accurate statements. She was very intelligent with a warm heart and very sensitive. When someone hurt her feelings she would bury her sadness so many times even though she was hurting she didn’t let it show.   Alyssa was very independent, despite her addiction near the end of her life she saw to it that she earned her own way. There was never an issue with enabling her as she asked for nothing but love. 

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

Alyssa got hooked on dope in the fall of 2013. We were unaware of her addiction until she moved home in February 2014. We tried immediately to get her into rehab but she was not ready and continually dodged committing to go. In late June of 2014 she had a few felonies charges in front of her. At that time I convinced her to go to rehab in an effort to get the charges dropped. She went to rehab in Florida for 30 days. From there she went into a sober house. After several weeks she got kicked out for using. She went back into rehab until January of 2015. From there she moved in with a few friends she had made in rehab. She continued to use Heroin in Florida. In April of 2015 she moved back to CT. She and her boyfriend got jobs and lived in a hotel until late July of 2015 when they could no longer work as they were dope sick. August 1st of 2015 she went back to rehab in Florida for 30 days. She flew home on a Thursday evening in late August. Friday I gave her a ride to an AA meeting. On Saturday we let her drive herself to a meeting. She apparently went and hooked up that night. On Sunday morning she seemed like she was getting high again. I had a long conversation with her on Sunday evening about her plans, her higher power and how much we loved her and wanted a good life for her. On Monday she got a syringe. Monday evening after an NA meeting she went out for awhile with one of her sober friends. She got dropped off at home about 1 AM Tuesday August 25th. In the morning her sister went into her room to check on her an found her deceased from an overdose of heroin laced with fentanyl

What Made Them Smile?

Kittens, dogs, strawberries and ribs on the grill.

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

Good conversations and working on projects together.

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

We love you! Our family is struggling to carry on but it will never be the same without you.

#AskMeAboutMyAngel #HeroinMemorial #GoneToSoon

www.HeroinMemorial.org   www.HeroinSupport.org 

Click here to submit your own memorial tribute.

* Feel free to make supportive comments about this article at the bottom of this page using your Facebook profile.

#AskMeAboutMyAngel  #HeroinMemorial   www.HeroinMemorial.org      www.HeroinSupport.org  

 Below is a video our nonprofit here created from pictures that members from the private group at Heroin Memorial gave us permission to use in our public YouTube video to help break the STIGMA around addiction.

Click here to Purchase Wristbands to support Heroin Support Inc, a 501(c)3 Nonprofit.  Below are some of the wristbands we carry.   

DestroysBlack   HeavenPurpleBlack    IHatePurple

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Heroin Memorial - 2014/01/10 - Danton Stalnaker - Age 21 yrs - Toledo, Ohio


2014/01/10 - Danton Stalnaker - Age 21 yrs - Toledo, Ohio

Submitted by: Bernadean Stalnaker - Parent

Name: Danton Stalnaker
State: Ohio, 43605
Date of Passing: 1/10/2014
Date of Birth: 7/31/1992
Age: 21

Tell Us About Them:

Danton is the oldes out of my two sons, he was a good guy he worked hard and would do anything for you if you asked him. He loved his family and his friends, he also had a one of a kind sense of humor. He was love by many people.

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

Danton had been doing drugs since he was 17 after he graduated he moved to his dads house where his drug dealer lived across the street in his uncles house. He tried rehab but after one day they told him he had to leave because he didn't show signs of withdraw and also because of insurance. A couple months before he passed away he tried on his own to stop using but it did not work and he passed away.

What Made Them Smile?

Depending on the day and who he was with

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

I miss him not being here every day, talking to him, telling him "I love you" and and his response back to me "I love you to mom", missing that text saying Happy mothers day mom or happy birthday mom there is so much I miss about him.

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

I love you so much miss you and wish you were still here


#AskMeAboutMyAngel #HeroinMemorial #GoneToSoon

www.HeroinMemorial.org   www.HeroinSupport.org 

Click here to submit your own memorial tribute.

* Feel free to make supportive comments about this article at the bottom of this page using your Facebook profile.

#AskMeAboutMyAngel  #HeroinMemorial   www.HeroinMemorial.org      www.HeroinSupport.org  

 Below is a video our nonprofit here created from pictures that members from the private group at Heroin Memorial gave us permission to use in our public YouTube video to help break the STIGMA around addiction.

Click here to Purchase Wristbands to support Heroin Support Inc, a 501(c)3 Nonprofit.  Below are some of the wristbands we carry.   

DestroysBlack   HeavenPurpleBlack    IHatePurple

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Heroin Memorial - 2012/09/10 - Aaron Crook - Age 23 yrs - Thousand Oaks, California


09/10/2012 - Aaron Crook - Age 23 yrs - Thousand Oaks, California

Submitted by: Alison Crook - Parent

Name: Aaron Crook
State:  California, 91360

Date of Passing: 09/10/2012
Date of Birth: 08/05/1989
Age: 23 

Tell Us About Them:

Aaron was an incredibly handsome, very intelligent young man with the most beautiful smile. He had a great sense of humor.He liked to dress the part, nearly always had a baseball cap on. He was very deep, a thinker but also a worrier, worried about not having enough, not being able to "make it" in life, always scheming on how to make money! He loved animals especially his tropical fish. He had compassion for the mentally and physically handicapped and when he was young it would make him sad. On the outside he appeared to be happy, confident, his friends said he joked a lot but he was often sad and anxious- he put on a brave face.

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

He was an AB student doing well at school.He worked in a tropical fish shop at 13. He started smoking pot occasionally in 8th grade but we were not aware until he was a freshman.He would say he was depressed, anxious couldn't sleep and we spent many hours at different psychiatrist offices. He was in his first rehab at 14 which he absconded from. In the early years he often went missing, hanging out at other peoples houses, doing cocaine and all sorts of pills mainly opiates and benzodiazepines. He got transferred to a high school for troubled teens. During this time he was often verbally abusive and violent but when not under the influence he was great to be around. He got in trouble with the police and after a lengthy court case spent time in juvenile hall- visiting him in there was heart wrenching as he was sober and looked so out of place in there,apologizing laughing about himself. I remember, walking out into the parking lot crying thinking this could not be.

During those high school years and community college years he worked on and off. It was when he was 17/18 when at work at the tropical fish shop he was introduced to Heroin. The school would constantly ring me up to come and get him cos of some stunt or other, and once because he had a withdrawal seizure. He was injecting by the time he was 18. During these early years we and the court had him attending drug counseling , anger mgmt etc. We tried every type of love , we were angry tired and frustrated a lot of the time. Both of us worked full time in professional jobs myself as a nurse working nights existing on 3-4 hours sleep, my husband in manufacturing and also part time as a reserve sheriff( Aaron loved that!). We tried tough love, we took nearly every possession from him but he still managed to get money for drugs. He told me once that he had enough rich friends to keep him in drugs for a lifetime. We had moved our daughter out of the house when she was 15 to a safer place because we didn't know what else to do. On his 18 th birthday my daughter and I found him in repot story arrest and had to revive him. We kicked him out at 19 and he lived in his car in our drive way , he couldn't drive it as we took his keys for his and others safety plus he had already had a DUI.We allowed him to come in and shower etc.

This was a very dark time as he was using all the time, he was dealing so he could get his fix. He had a few long term relationships of 1-2 years and always treated his girlfriends with respect . He was friendly with one girl and was at her house one night and called me In a panic to say she wasn't right- I told him to call EMS & drive over there with my daughter, we walked into a scene like something from "Train Spotting"the girl in full on respiratory arrest , Aaron in shock, he helped me lift her off the bed so I could start CPR and then he ran off. The girl survived and that night I gave my son up to the police - this was really one of our darkest hours. I came to find out later that my son did not supply this girl with Heroin she called him over to party and as far as he knew she had been drinking and taking pills , he did not know she had shot up Heroin before he got there, this resulted in another lengthy court case.

Aaron would complain that his hip and legs hurt and I took him to orthopedic Drs and they Xrayed and could find nothing. I noticed when he was asleep or out of it in the car he would rub his legs so I took him to a neurologist and the found he had a fractured spine which they think happened around the age of 14- 15 we narrowed it down either a fall in middle school or a car accident at 15. We felt terrible, we brought him back I the house to try and sober him up and prepare him for surgery-. He weaned himself off Heroin& had a two level spinal fusion.He did amazing in his recovery, staying off drugs. Court case was still going on and was delayed due to his spinal surgery. He now had access to a pain management dr that gave him all sorts of narotics over the next couple of years- he would sell them for Heroin. He went into 30 day rehab just before turning 21 but then relapsed. Now he was getting very sick, very thin . We took him to a methadone clinic which was very successful for a while because it dealt with his back and leg pain( surgery did not get rid of that).

Finally he got sentenced , we begged the courts to put him in rehab but they wouldn't so he weaned himself off methadone because cannot get it in jail- to this day I'm still angry about the judicial system re this because while on methadone he went back to college and worked part time. So he did his few weeks came out and wanted to try life with out it but ended back at pain dr. Then fell at college from too many pills and got a concussion. Finally his supply was cut off but instead of getting better he got worse, and dealing Heroin for his fix really took over. Ended up again with possession or under influence charge and this time got sentenced to 6 months rehab. He went into Salvation Army and because of his back and not being able to do heavy manual labor he left and went into a sober living. After 5 months sober he looked amazing , was working etc and then did Heroin at sober living and got another concussion. We pulled him out and he was truly gutted he lost his sobriety, he was back on track within 24 hours and he rented a room somewhere.He was in a relationship with a sober girl. On Aug 5 we had a surprise birthday party for him with all his sober friends and sponsor and his sister Raquel attending.

He was so happy,he and his sister finally made peace and over the next month talked and texted and for the first time had a proper brother and sister relationship. He looked so well those 6 months, it was like he was glowing. A month later he said he was depressed not happy , he was about rosy art a new job, he thought perhaps he should try antidepressants ( he had not done this in years)and he also admitted he had been taking Xanax that week. We went immediately to his old addiction specialist who had not seen him for few months- she could not get over how well he looked. She gave him a few pills to get him off Xanax to prevent withdrawal seizure and anti- depressants( he never took them) . That day he asked me to take a photo of him, which I thought odd. 3 days later on Sept 10, 2012 one month after his 23rd birthday , I got a call from LA county coroner investigator to say he had been found dead in his room from a Heroin overdose. My husband, myself and our daughter are truly grateful for the 6 months we had him back in our lives. We will never forget him, we did a lot of things wrong, said a lot of hurtful things during those addictive years but we also did a lot of things right , Aaron when sober demonstrated he was very just and kind and a beautiful boy, he will be forever in our hearts.


What Made Them Smile?

Goofing around with his friends, silly family stuff, our pets, his favorite TV shows.

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

His smile, his laugh, his eyes, his hugs.

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

We love you so very much and we are sorry we could not save you.

#AskMeAboutMyAngel #HeroinMemorial #GoneToSoon

www.HeroinMemorial.org   www.HeroinSupport.org 

Click here to submit your own memorial tribute.


* Feel free to make supportive comments about this article at the bottom of this page using your Facebook profile.

#AskMeAboutMyAngel  #HeroinMemorial   www.HeroinMemorial.org      www.HeroinSupport.org  

 Below is a video our nonprofit here created from pictures that members from the private group at Heroin Memorial gave us permission to use in our public YouTube video to help break the STIGMA around addiction.

Click here to Purchase Wristbands to support Heroin Support Inc, a 501(c)3 Nonprofit.  Below are some of the wristbands we carry.   

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Heroin Memorial - 2015/09/23 - Alecia Coglianese - Age 24 yrs - Orland Park, Illinois


09/23/2015 - Alecia Coglianese - Age 24 yrs - Orland Park, Illinois
Submitted by: Kim Novak - Parent
Name: Alecia Coglianese
State: Illinois, 60462
Date of Passing: 09/23/2015
Date of Birth: 01/05/1991
Age: 24 

Tell Us About Them:
Alecia was the type of girl you would never forget. She was always willing to help someone, talk, listen, or just put a smile on their face. She loved her Family, friends, animals (especially dogs), holiday's, the Blackhawks, sunsets and the sky, chocolate covered strawberries, cooking, eating, laughing, acting goofy, and had a deep faith all of her life. GOD was her #1 all of her life. Alecia'a smile could light up a room. She was ridiculously friendly, always willing to lend a helping hand, cared deeply for all those that she loved, she wrote poems, and inspirational quotes daily. She was never conceited, mean, judgemental, or needy. Almost every persons path she crossed she left an impression..that couldn't be forgotten. That wasn't everything ..there's So Much my babygirl had to be proud of.

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:
Alecia's struggle was not easy to spot in the early stages. We didn't realize her own thoughts of being addicted were much earlier than we had known. On the night of my open heart surgery I was on life support. That's the night that forever changed my babygirl. She couldn't deal with sadness, and didn't know how to cope. Since she had already experimented with other drugs she dealt with her mental pain , medical pain, and fear over the outcome of my health the only way she could. She turned to heroin. That November 2009 would lay out a very sad, distructive, demoralized, and a demon took over..the path was horrible, humiliation set in. Alecia battled her way back in the fight of her life. She regained the sparkle in her eyes, a full time job, surrounded by her family and friends. A year and a half of sobriety. The demon kept knocking at Alecia's soul. After all that she accomplished she gave in to that demon for another round. She had multiple failed attempts at a sobriety and had at least 3 successful 6 month runs. From Nov 2009 until Sept. 2015 she had a little over 3 years added up together sober. The rest of the time was all that drug has to offer. Distance, disease, arrests, disgust, hopelessness, disappointment, distructive decisions, and death. She fought so hard to get back. She fought to the bitter end. Her tattoo said "stay sober or die trying" she tried with all she had. Medical problems and a bad decision from a facility that was suppose to be helping her sealed her fate.

What Made Them Smile?
Almost Everything!! She had a smile most of her life!! She was easy to please, she wasn't high maintenance, material possessions weren't a priority, she required very little and was happy from giving and helping others.


What Do You Miss the Most About Them?
I miss it All! Her live to love motto. The laughter, the smiles, the love, the helping out way about her, the way she shared her ice cream cone w Reno her dog. Her doggie talk like a baby talk. Her family 1st way about her. Her OCD cleaning, her appreciation, her chocolate covered strawberries, her many, many, many, cards, letters, notes, and thank you's. Her hospitality, her friendly ways, her thoughtfulness, her scent, the family photo soldier, the watching the Blackhawks game yelling at the TV. Whether it was good or bad we had to get rowdy! Singing in the car, having dinner together, her compassion to family, friends, and her "puppies" her prayers out loud kneeling at her bed, her banging the razor on the shower wall so hard you wondered what the heck is she shaving?? Her surprising someone with treats, her willingness to lend a hand, her slurping her lip when you had her favorite food, her driving like a speed racer you thought the car was surely on 2 wheels when you made that turn. She's a permanent tattoo ...I may not see her but I know shes always with me. My love is where she is, was, and will alway be. I'll tell her all about it "when I see her again" I love and miss you BABYGIRL!!!

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?
I will Love you forever and I'm proud of You, You fought so hard to the end.
God saved You he did exactly what you asked him to do. I'll see you when I get there babygirl.

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www.HeroinMemorial.org www.HeroinSupport.org

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I Want My Daddy Back


This picture is my son yesterday at his fathers grave this is not right.  The heartbreak I saw when he layed on the ground and cried and said "this is how I layed next to daddy and we would hug each other. I want daddy back!!"

I have a story to tell the love of my life my husband my children's father and my best friend was taken from us from heroin on May 25th 2016 a day before his 29th birthday. We had a true love story from the second we layed eyes on eachother we were married 13 years and his battle started 10 years ago first with weed then with pills and we could fight that we moved away and for 4 years it was perfect he even became a deacon in our church and just over 2 years ago is when he choose to do something that would eventually take his beautiful life and forever change me and my children's lives. As soon as I found out what he was doing I was in disbelief we would take about people who did this and try to help them I couldn't imagine my perfect husband ever doing this he went straight to rehab after just months of doing it when I found out and I thought we would be ok and his addiction was over but it just began I fought for him to stop I know he fought to I did everything imaginable I was even willing to cut my arms off to save my husband and family from death and destruction because I would tell him that if he didn't stop that's what it would lead to I asked if he wanted to die he said no I asked him what would I do without him and how could I tell our babies he died and he assured me that it wouldn't happen he knew his limit!


I knew what could happen and every day I fought!! He almost died Mothers Day if I didn't break down the bathroom door and call the ambulance! And from that day until he died he was just the perfect drug free husband and father I knew he gave us that or as I say Jesus gave us those weeks just perfect days and as I rolled over on May 25th at 3:30 am and felt the spot he fell asleep empty my world forever changed I knew he had snuck out to go get his stuff like he had done many many times before this time it was different though I had the horrible body shaking experience like I always had but as I walked down stairs to see the back door unlocked that he ran out of and would be sneaking back in I did something different that I had never done before I left it unlocked for him to come back I would always lock it right away and not let him in until he begged and promised he would t do it again but this time I didn't I was going to tell him that I was mad but I knew he messed up and finally understood and we would get back on track and it would be ok! I went upstairs and calmly layed down something I never did before I would usually stay up and smoke my cigarettes and be angry and hurt but I didn't as I layed in bed waiting for him to return I thought of how he could die and what if he did? As I got out of bed at 4:55 am and worried why isn't he home something is wrong he never took this long! I walked down the stairs and as I reached the bottom phone in hand it rang and i knew it was about my husband as my babies slept peacefully I was told he was dead and needed to go see him I help in my shrieks and screams so they would not be woken and my nightmare dream began!

I have a story much more to say but I will keep it short for now and say this drug does not discriminate it has no boundaries it's evil it's soul purpose is to kill and destroy my husband did not look like a addict we had the perfect life he had the American Dream loving wife and children a dog and a cat! We had hopes and dreams we would tell eachother we would be the notebook movie till the end and now that's gone our world is forever changed but I have peace and understanding as much as I my whole heart is gone now I know he's at peace and is in heaven he was saved and I know he knew at the end and repented and went to heaven he's in my heart he's in my children's eyes his story our story will forever be told the good the bad the ugly I would of stayed and fought till the end to save my husband but I understand why he left he didn't want to but he ended my worries and gave me peace from his addiction but I want him back now and would take that pain of worry just to hold him again and have him hug our babies and play with them again! If this touches one person and saves them from this deathly ending then I will smile!! This isn't the way young beautiful people should go my 12 year old son shouldn't of had to carry his father in a coffin I shouldn't have to comfort my babies at night when there crying they want there daddy back or why he will never be able to walk his daughters down the isle on there wedding day or not to see his grandchildren and grow old with me! I beg all the beautiful people to fight for your lives don't let your loved ones hurt like this don't hurt yourself like this!!! Before my husbands death I would look at addicts in disgust but now I understand and I will forever embrace them and tell my story in hopes of saving there lives!!! The only thing I have thought and said and will continue to say as soon as I heard he had died was Phillipians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!!!! 

Please share my story if it comforts others or saves lives! Jason Miller the perfect husband and father was taken from us from something many of us are fighting. I don't want his young life to go without saving others from this ending!

Jennie Stanley Miller


* Feel free to make supportive comments about this article at the bottom of this page using your Facebook profile.

#AskMeAboutMyAngel  #HeroinMemorial   www.HeroinMemorial.org      www.HeroinSupport.org  

 Below is a video our nonprofit here created from pictures that members from the private group at Heroin Memorial gave us permission to use in our public YouTube video to help break the STIGMA around addiction.

Click here to Purchase Wristbands to support Heroin Support Inc, a 501(c)3 Nonprofit.  Below are some of the wristbands we carry.   

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Heroin Memorial - 2015/08/29 - Taylor Folds - Age 23 yrs - Olmsted Falls, Ohio


2015/08/29 - Taylor Folds - Age 23 yrs - Olmsted Falls, Ohio

Submitted by: Barbara Folds - Other Family

Name: Taylor Folds
State:  Ohio, 44138

Date of Passing: 08/29/2015
Date of Birth: 09/24/1991
Age: 23 

Tell Us About Them:

Taylor was my first grandson and lived with me for a large portion of his life. He was loving kind and sad a smile that lit up a room. He was loyal and had many friends who not only liked him but loved him. He worshipped his mom aunt and uncle. He was a hero to his younger brother.

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

He truly wanted to be well and struggled everyday. He finally got to the point he wanted to live and just used one more time and died

What Made Them Smile?

He was a happy and loving person and tried to help everyone

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

He was my closest and loyal grandson

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

I love you and miss you more every day. I am glad I am the oldest in the family and will get to be with you next


#AskMeAboutMyAngel #HeroinMemorial #GoneToSoon

www.HeroinMemorial.org   www.HeroinSupport.org 

Click here to submit your own memorial tribute.

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Heroin Memorial - 2013/09/24 - Shawn Hacker - Age 26 yrs - Cincinnati, Ohio


2013/09/24 - Shawn Hacker - Age 26 yrs - Cincinnati, Ohio

Submitted by: Rhonda Moorehous - Parent

Name: Shawn Hacker
State:  Ohio, 45251

Date of Passing: 09/24/2013
Date of Birth: 12/20/1986
Age: 26 

Tell Us About Them:

Shawn was my Angel. Shy and backwards as a child growing into a ladies man as an adult. He loved kids. All the kids in the family loved him he was the favorite uncle,nephew and a great dad to a little girl name Ava. And a bashful little boy Donovan. Shawn love Baseball and was full of Sports Spirit For the Cinti. Reds and the Bengals. He had three brothers 1 older 2 younger. Shawn had been clean almost 1 year when he OD heroin came back in the picture. He also had a side kick the love of his life Kirsten Sheehan. Rest In Paradise baby boy.

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

Shawn struggled with pain pill addiction and then onto Heroin no money was enough. He began lying stealing and running from all law enforcement. So in and out of prison and jail and rehab for about 4 years. Then death.

What Made Them Smile?


What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

His voice and his smile and the way he smelled.

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

I am here for you always.


#AskMeAboutMyAngel #HeroinMemorial #GoneToSoon

www.HeroinMemorial.org   www.HeroinSupport.org 

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Heroin Memorial - 2005/07/11 - Kathleen Lynch - Age 46 yrs - Bloomingdale, New Jersey


2005/07/11 - Kathleen Lynch - Age 46 yrs - Bloomingdale, New Jersey

Submitted by: Kristin Molinaro - Parent

Name: Kathleen Lynch
State:  New Jersey, 07403

Date of Passing: 07/11/2005
Date of Birth: 3/29/59
Age: 46 

Tell Us About Them:

My mom died too young. She was 46 and was funny and loving when she was sober. She adored her grandchild and loved dancing and movies and cuddles and rescuing animals.

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

My mom struggled with her addiction from a very young age, alcohol and then prescription pills in any form, uppers , downers... She then found heroin to be cheaper and while she never injected it, she snorted it and the mix was deadly when combined with her heavy drinking. She tried numerous times to get sober and sometimes it would work for a few months but she always went back to heroin and alcohol.

What Made Them Smile?

My daughter Ava made my mom smile. Watching movies together, talking, makeup and hair made her smile. Seeing her family made her smile

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

I miss the missed opportunities of creating this life together with my new children and seeing my babies forge a bond with her is now long gone. I guess I miss the what ifs.... I miss her smell and smile, I miss her phone calls late at night drunk at a bar. I miss her chaos, her noise, her frequency. I miss the smell of alcohol and Violet's chewing gum mixed with sweat and exclamation blush. I miss her drama and her needing me for help.

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

Mom, I am sorry for not understanding your disease more. I wish I knew more about it. I am sorry that I didn't spend more time with you at the end. I am sorry I pushed you away to try and protect my child from seeing you like this. I want you to know that where ever you are now, you are missed and loved and thought about daily. You have left a hole in my heart that can never be repaired. I forgive you for being a sh#t mom but can you forgive me for letting you go ?

#AskMeAboutMyAngel #HeroinMemorial #GoneToSoon

www.HeroinMemorial.org   www.HeroinSupport.org 

Click here to submit your own memorial tribute.

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Heroin Memorial - 2012/01/10 - Richie Ramirez - Age 22 yrs - Dix Hills, New York


2012/01/10 - Richie Ramirez - Age 22 yrs - Dix Hills, New York

Submitted by: Donna Ramirez - Parent

Name: Richie Ramirez
State:  New York, 11746

Date of Passing: 1/10/12
Date of Birth: 8/2/89
Age: 22 

Tell Us About Them:

Most loving son,loved going to movies with me ,we went to the Philippines he loved it there .He loved to travel with me.He was very close to me.To me the sun rose and set with him.

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

He had a hard time .when he came out of a rehab once he looked so good.I brang him back to a hospital for detox I was told they only had a female bed available ,I sat back down with my son I figured I would sit for as long as it took for a male bed to be available.I could not believe it when security was called and we were told to leave ,it is hard enough to get them to ask for help but then to turn around and make them feel worthless ,I felt like we had been thrown out .In order to get them in rehab you first have to go to go through detox which is usually five days.In all reality do you really think five days is long enough no way! Then if you are lucky enough to get into detox and make it to rehab it still is not long enough.The only rehab that will work is long term.When my son was turned away the last time in a matter of a few days my son had passed away.So many times I wonder if I had called the news if it would have made them find somewhere in the hospital to put him.Does it really matter which floor they are on as long as there problem is taken care of .If someone comes in with a heart condition they will find a spot for them .But a drug addiction you will get put out . I made a very bad mistake they asked .me to rent a room to an older family friend who was in the street I made the mistake of taking that person in he is the one who started our trip to hell.my son was only trying to help someone that person to me if I had known what he was capable of I would never have let him near my prescious son.

What Made Them Smile?

Richie had many friends he loved doing things .When we went to the water park way out on the island I believe close to Riverhead we got in a water tube and went down together in it.I told him to go have fun with his friends,but he refused to leave my side,in the watertube he was laughing all the way down.We had so many wonderful times together.The Philippines,upstate New York ,Florida beaches ,snowball fights.

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

I miss everything about him .He allways looked for me .He would call me wherever I was.weather i was working or shopping he would call me almost every hour.When I came home we always went somewhere we went to the beach winter or summer,he loved his animals.We would do our laundry together.We would go to the movies together once a week to me it did not matter what movie as long as he was happy.He was allways smiling.

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

I would tell him how much I love him, how much I miss him.How much I need to be with him,it is just to lonely without him.


#AskMeAboutMyAngel #HeroinMemorial #GoneToSoon

www.HeroinMemorial.org   www.HeroinSupport.org 

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Heroin Memorial - 2016/01/10 - Michael Gary - Age 30 yrs - Buffalo, New York


2016/01/10 - Michael Gary - Age 30 yrs - Buffalo, New York

Submitted by: Kiesha Kemp - Sibling

Name: Michael Gary
State:  New York, 14214

Date of Passing: 01-10-2016
Date of Birth: 09-30-1985
Age: 30 

Tell Us About Them:

my brother was one one these most loving caring easily people to get along with father of three kid's that was his world. Sibling of 5 and was one of the best brothers in the world always understanding...

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

he never want to come home think he was going to be judged and want to stop but couldn't because he needed that fix to feel alive.

What Made Them Smile?

Hes personal

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

How goofy loving ,caring he was.

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

I miss and love you so much!!

#AskMeAboutMyAngel #HeroinMemorial #GoneToSoon

www.HeroinMemorial.org   www.HeroinSupport.org 

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Heroin Memorial - 2011/06/09 - Jamie Church - Age 23 yrs - Beverly Hills, California


2011/06/09 - Jamie Church - Age 23 yrs - Beverly Hills, California

Submitted by: Lynne Knowles - Parent

Name: Jamie Church
State:  California, 90210

Date of Passing: 06/09/2011
Date of Birth: 01/03/1988
Age: 23 

Tell Us About Them:

She was my only child. The love of my life.

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

She became addicted to prescription pain meds during High School. By the time we found out she had progressed to IV use. She overdosed after 8 months clean. The pain she went through a mother never wants for her child.

What Made Them Smile?

Love...she was so loving and kind. That smile lit up every room.

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?


If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

Jamie, I know your pain is greater than I could have ever imagined. You know you are loved. You are the greatest thing I have ever done in my life. I wish I could take all of your pain. I am sorry I did not understand. I love you.


#AskMeAboutMyAngel #HeroinMemorial #GoneToSoon

www.HeroinMemorial.org   www.HeroinSupport.org 

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Heroin Memorial - 2015/12/24 - Amber Reineck - Age 33 yrs - Pinckney, Michigan


2015/12/24 - Amber Reineck - Age 33 yrs - Pinckney, Michigan

Submitted by: Courtney Atsalakis - Sibling

Name: Amber Reineck
State:  Michigan, 48169

Date of Passing: 12/24/2015
Date of Birth: 05/09/1982
Age: 33 

Tell Us About Them:

She had a soul of a gypsy, heart of a angel. She was a kind heart soul who never judge anyone.

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

Amber struggled with addiction for years. Unfortunately she met a guy who introduced her to heroin.

What Made Them Smile?

Her two daughters.

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

Her smile.

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

I love you


#AskMeAboutMyAngel #HeroinMemorial #GoneToSoon

www.HeroinMemorial.org   www.HeroinSupport.org 

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Heroin Memorial - 2015/09/29 - Steven Dunworth - Age 42 yrs - Santa Cruz, California


2015/09/29 - Steven Dunworth - Age 42 yrs - Santa Cruz, California

Submitted by: Christina Dunworth - Sibling

Name: Steven Dunworth
State:  California, 95065

Date of Passing: 09/29/2015
Date of Birth: 12/29/1972
Age: 42 

Tell Us About Them:

My brother was my first teacher; he taught me how to write my numbers/letters. He was a talented baker, and was very sensitive. He had a huge heart. Steve wanted to be loved the way he loved. He finally found that love within his own son, who he left behind at the tender age of 3.

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

Steve struggled with many types of drugs before Heroin, but tried it the first time at age 21. He never looked back and was hooked the first time for more than 22 yrs. He passed from severe cold turkey withdrawal. It took four days.. here is a link to the piece I wrote detailing the day he died: https://addictionunscripted.com/jails-institutions-and-death/

What Made Them Smile?

Family made Steve smile. His son Cruz made him smile. True love made him smile; the beach; the sunsets/sunrises. Laughing with my sons... Hugs..

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

I miss everything about Steve, except Heroin. I miss his contagious laugh and hugs the most.

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

I love you, and you are not alone.


#AskMeAboutMyAngel #HeroinMemorial #GoneToSoon

www.HeroinMemorial.org   www.HeroinSupport.org 

Click here to submit your own memorial tribute.

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Heroin Memorial - 2014/02/14 - Anthony Cassar - Age 35 yrs - Saint Clair Shores, Michigan


2014/02/14 - Anthony Cassar - Age 35 yrs - Saint Clair Shores, Michigan

Submitted by: Sheree Dostine - Sibling

Name: Anthony Cassar
State:  Michigan, 48082

Date of Passing: 2-14-14
Date of Birth: 7-2-78
Age: 35 

Tell Us About Them:

Tony was hilarious and loved to act silly to make us laugh. He had a kind heart and big dreams for his future. He loved his family with all of his heart and tried very hard to become who he always wanted to be.

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

Most of it was kept secret as he was always a very private person plus he lived in Virginia. I didn't even know about his addiction until his death. He suffered from anxiety and depression brought on by childhood trauma. He had a big predisposition to becoming an addict. When he passed it was due to an adverse lethal combination of cocaine and heroin.

What Made Them Smile?

His family.

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

Everything, especially the opportunity to make more memories.

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

I love you more than you will ever know and I miss you so much everyday. The only thing that brings me relief is knowing you're no longer suffering.


#AskMeAboutMyAngel #HeroinMemorial #GoneToSoon

www.HeroinMemorial.org   www.HeroinSupport.org 

Click here to submit your own memorial tribute.

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