Heroin Support Blog

Our goal here is to provide our readers with the latest information about the signs substance abuse disorder, support groups, treatment options, life in recovery, prevention & advocacy in our communities, and how to deal with the grief of a lost loved one. If you have ideas or suggestions that you wish to share with us here please use our "Contact Us" page at the very bottom of this page to email us. You can click on our Memorial Map to add your loved ones tribute to the map and then a few days later we will add them to our memorial blog.

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Heroin Memorial - 2014/02/19 - Jacob Heider - Age 26 yrs - Milton, Wisconsin


2/19/2014 - Jacob Heider - Age 26 yrs - Wisconsin

Submitted by: Lori Blum - Parent

Name: Jacob Heider
State:  Wisconsin, 53563
Date of Passing: 2/19/2014
Date of Birth: 9/21/1987
Age: 26 

Tell Us About Them:

I always remember from birth on, he was a happy baby. Had a soft spot for anyone who was hurting. Handed out hugs even if you weren't a hugger. Loved to make people smile. Said if you can make on person laugh a day, his day was worth it! Always was singing something. And loved to dance tho he had two left feet! He could never sit still..always into something or headed out the door. Never was selfish until his addiction took over. Always watched over me making sure I was taken care of, wanted momma happy.

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

My ex and I divorced when Jacob was 2. His dad was into drugs so Jacob saw things he should never have seen. He smoked pot at the age of 9. Didn't like to drink but did because " everyone is doing it"! I believe around 14, he tried cocaine. But moved forward fast to prescription drugs. OxyContin being his choice. His girlfriend moms medicine cabinet being the prime location. He didn't finish high school, but went to Wisconsin teen challenge academy and excelled . Got his GED, awards galore. I always said he was a product of his environment. But as soon as he came back home, it wasn't long before he was back at it. I believe heroin came in the picture after he finished boot camp . He joined the Army, graduated , and they stationed him in Hawaii. He lasted a little over a year and got kicked out, served jail time and came home. From that moment on, I knew I lost my son. For 3 years, I had him in 4 different rehabs, the last in California ...he made it 7 months, left, and the night he left od'd in a hotel room all by himself on sunset Blvd.

What Made Them Smile?

Music! And his beautiful little girl.

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

Hearing him sing...his voice...hearing him say " I love you mom" . Talking to him about everything...but most of all, his hugs! Made my day a lot brighter when he hugged me.

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

Oh, how hard this one is! Cause I have so many things I would love to say before I would say...Honey, if your life on earth was meant to be played out as it did, then you are where you are to be. I could never watch you suffer , as you did, for a lifetime. No matter how selfish I want to be, he is not hurting anymore!


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Heroin Memorial - 2015/04/26 - Caitlin Cadden - Age 23 yrs - Shrewsbury, Pennsylvania


2015/04/26 - Caitlin Cadden - Age 23 yrs - Shrewsbury, Pennsylvania

Submitted by: Dorothy Cadden - Parent

Name: Caitlin Cadden
State:  Pennsylvania, 17361

Date of Passing: 04-26-2015
Date of Birth: 09-06-1991
Age: 23 

Tell Us About Them:

Caitlin was my youngest and only daughter. She was my best friend. We did many things together and I miss her dearly. She was a champion of people. She would lend a listening ear to anyone who needed one.

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

I truly believe that the first time Cait tried Herion she had no idea of its highly addictive components. She was out of her realm of understanding. A teen ager testing the limits. In high school she did not do drugs or attend parties. It was not until senior week that it began.

What Made Them Smile?

Cait loved animals and especially her Cat Harley. She was also attracted to the children in the room she was a natural with them.

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

I desperately miss her company and kind heart. She is missed by many. Their is a hole in our large Catholic family.

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

That I love her no matter what. That her relapse would have been just a set back that we would have continued to fight by her side. Not enabling but fighting.


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Heroin Memorial - 2015/11/12 - Paul Doughty - Age 28 yrs - East Syracuse, New York


2015/11/12 - Paul Doughty - Age 28 yrs - East Syracuse, New York

Submitted by: Mary Duck - Parent

Name: Paul Doughty
State:  New York, 13057
Date of Passing: 11/12/15
Date of Birth: 5/16/87
Age: 28 

Tell Us About Them:

Funniest, charming and cutest kid who captured EVWEYBODYS heart !!!!

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

Paul started using pot & alcohol at around 12 years old. He advanced to psychodelics, acid, narcotics, meth, Molly, cocaine and heroin. ABYTHING to alter his mind !!!!

What Made Them Smile?

Christmas,dogs, family and comedians !! He was the jokester at all events !

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

I miss Pauls laughter, poking fun of me, his hair, tattoos, and most of all his beautiful face !!!!!

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

What made you soo unhappy ??


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Heroin Memorial - 2013/04/05 - Steven Joseph Fermaint - Age 23 yrs - Bridgeview, Illinois


2013/04/05 - Steven Joseph Fermaint - Age 23 yrs - Bridgeview, Illinois

Submitted by: Anna Prete - Parent

Name: Steven Joseph Fermaint
State:  Illinois, 60455
Date of Passing: 4-5-2013
Date of Birth: 10-25-1989
Age: 23 

Tell Us About Them:

Steven was a beautiful young man with a loving and joyous personality! He did not discriminate against anyone... He had his whole life ahead of him. He was 6 months away from graduating college at Illinois State University on a scholarship from the state of Illinois to be a special education teacher when his addiction started. We found out at his wake from the superintendent of the high school he graduated from that he had his last interview and was already hired!!! He loved helping other people and always found the positive side of everything even if it was a bad situation. He touched so many lives and it showed ... There were over 2000 people at his wake!!!

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

We found out about Stevens addiction when he overdosed for the first time. It was at the neighborhood Burger King.. He went into convulsions and fell out of the booth.. People were stepping over him like he was a bumb!!! He was minutes away from loosening his life when the ambulance arrived. He went into a treatment center and I thought that's all it would take and that he would overcome it.. Bot was I ever wrong!!! When Steven came out he was sober one week and overdosed again in our bathroom!! He went on to battle his addiction for three years.. Through that time he went through countless treatment centers.. Halfway houses sober homes and a sober Christian home.. He overdosed many more times . Through it all though he never lost his faith in Jesus or God!!! He used to tell me "mama I want to stop but I can't!! It turned my beautiful loving intelligent son to someone we no longer knew!!!

What Made Them Smile?

Everything made him smile!!! He had a smile that lit up a room and his face from ear to ear!!! His brothers made him smile... His friends.... His girlfriend... Music sports... He always had a smile on his face.. Everyone misses that beautiful smile!!!

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

I miss everything about him!! His laugh , his smell, his jokes, his goofy dancing, his contagious personality , his hugs, but most of all I just miss him!!!!!

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

If I had the chance to say one more thing to him it would be so so much!!! That I never stopped loving him, that Through everything I was still very proud of him and everything he accomplished in his short life and most of all that his death was not in vien!!! By sharing his story it has already saved 2 lives and hope by continuing to share his story it saves more!!! I will love him and miss him forever!!!


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Heroin Memorial - 2015/01/31 - Dylan Pearson - Age 19 yrs - Saint Francis, Minnesota


2015/01/31 - Dylan Pearson - Age 19 yrs - Saint Francis, Minnesota

Submitted by: Jennifer Nordeen - Parent

Name: Dylan Pearson
State:  Minnesota, 55070
Date of Passing: 1/31/2015
Date of Birth: 2/13/1995
Age: 19 

Tell Us About Them:

Dylan Bradley Pearson , born 2/13/1995, passed away on 1/31/2015 from a heroin overdose, after a 3 year struggle with addiction.

Dylan was my only child, and a great kid who still had so much to do. His life was cut short because currenlty we do not have proper treatment centers regulations that are needed to change lives. Our young adults between the ages of 18 - 25 have become the biggest concern, our nation has never seen an epidemic of this magtitude. Something has to be done and in honor of Dylan, we will continue to push forward. If you are looking for resources or have suggestions, please call us! All efforts are appreciated!

Here is some of Dylans story, through his battle of addiction:

March 11st, 2013 was the day that I found out my son, Dylan Bradley Pearson, 19 and my only child was using heroin. By the time I found out, heroin had already gotten its grip on him. It was the beginning of my worst nightmare.

Over the next year, he had gained 2 felony charges due to his heroin addiction. He was in 3 different treatment centers. In May of 2014, while he was IN a treatment center, which he was furloughed to, I received a phone call from one of his friends that he had overdosed and was in the Emergency Room. Worst drive of my life was to the hospital not knowing if he was alive. But luckily, he was. He survived this overdose. He was taken to jail 36 hours after he got there, and brought to jail for 30 days. 

He got out and began the same routine, as much as we tried to help, or keep him home, there was nothing we could do. We went to the extreme such as sitting in front of his room, and I had to get up for a minute and my husband went into the other room to take a call, and he went running out the back door. There was nothing that we could do. I never gave him money, but I did let him live at home. I talked to him every single day, and he did not want to live like that anymore. There was not a talk we had that I didn’t tell him how much I loved him. 

In October of 2014, Dylan agreed to go to Florida for treatment. So on October 10th, he boarded a plane to Florida. He didn’t want to be there from the get go, as his long time girlfriend lived here in Elk River, so he wanted to get back home. He walked out of the first center he was in and I refused to bring him home. So he partied for a few days in a hotel with some other kids that got kicked out for using. He then went to a halfway house down there until he then got himself into another center down there in which he completed. He received his completion certificate on January 17th, 2015.

He was 90 days clean.

I picked him up at the airport at 1am, and he didn’t know Jazmin, his girlfriend, was going to be with me. When I opened the door, she popped out; I have literally never seen Dylan so happy. He cried, he wanted to be home.

Dylan tried so hard but the first week, he fell back again. He went to court, and was going to be on probation, and seemed to be ok again. On the afternoon of January 30th, a friend of his called him to get rid of the rest of the dope he had before he went into treatment. I could tell he was high when I got home from work, but he hung out with me all night, and we had fun. He seemed fine when I told him I loved him and went to bed about 12:45. 

Dylan went to bed, and never woke up. 

He died January 31st, 2015.

In his bed.

In our house. In his room.

The blood curdling scream from my husband is one that rings in my head daily. Our worst nightmare had come true.

My only child is dead. 

I don’t remember much about that day, but I do know that my life will never be the same again. Every day when I walk into my house, his shoes are still where he had them and his jacket on the banister where he left it. He will never have our midnight snacks we had together, every night for years. Dylan and I were very close, and we talked 10 times a day on the phone, and 1000 texts from me, making sure he was ok. He will never have the chance to get married, and have kids, and travel, and do all of the things that a 19 year old should be doing. 

Dylan was so funny. He was quiet, but when he did talk, he was funny. He and I always knew what each other was thinking, and we talked, good talks, all the time. Jazmin and him had been together since they were 13. She was the love of his life. They were best friends. Dylan had so many friends that cared for him, and have so many stories that I still hear every day.

He was a good athlete, loyal, handsome and genuine. I cannot put into words the pain that this has caused me and my family. My mission has now become to help others get into treatment, and help change the system we currently have. This drug has killed too many young men and women, and I fought this fight with him the entire was through his addiction. Some days I keep thinking that I will wake up and this is all a dream. 
Lets do all we can to help them get the help they need, break the stigma, and make some changes. 

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

What Made Them Smile?

His girlfriend Jazmin

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?


If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

Love you again

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www.HeroinMemorial.org   www.HeroinSupport.org 

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Heroin Memorial - 2015/01/24 - Billy Cloutier - Age 21 yrs - Townsend, Massachusetts


1/24/2015 - Billy Cloutier - Age 21 yrs - Massachusetts

Submitted by: Carrie Curry - Parent

Name: Billy Cloutier 
State:  Massachusetts, 01474
Date of Passing: 1/24/2015
Date of Birth: 2/7/1993
Age: 21 

Tell Us About Them:

Loved friends and family music and video games. Could make anyone laugh. Lovable

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

Tried to hide it from me. Started with pot, move to percolating then about 3 yearsenal in and out of rehab for heroin

What Made Them Smile?

His jokes. His laugh. His hugs

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

Just Billy being around spending time with family

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

I love you

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Heroin Memorial - 2013/09/06 - Austin Niemi - Age 26 - Reno, Nevada


Submitted by: Christina Morz - Parent

Name: Austin Niemi
Date of Passing: 09/06/2013
Date of Birth:  06/16/1987
Age: 26

Share Some Thoughts About Them

Tell Us About Them:

Austin loved life. He love people. He was the center of attention. He could always make people laugh. If you were without he would do anything to help you.

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

He started smoking weed at 16. Went to rehab and jail and started doing meth. He started using heroin, and overdosed several times. Now matter how many times he tried to stop using, heroin had a hold on him.

What Made Them Smile?

He loved his family. He loved spending time outdoors. Going to the river. Hanging out with his friends. He was an amazing cook. He went out of his way to make people happy.

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

Everything! He warmed so many people's lives. When he walked in the room the whole room would light up. I just miss my son.

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

That I miss him and I love him. I'm sorry I couldn't take his pain away, and I'm sorry I couldn't save him.

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Heroin Memorial - 2015/07/04 - Danielle Hinkle - Age 30 yrs - Jackson, Michigan


07/04/2015 - Danielle Hinkle - Age 30 yrs - Jackson, Michigan

Submitted by: Sherry Russell - Parent

Name: Danielle Hinkle
State:  Michigan, 49263
Date of Passing: 07/04/2015 
Date of Birth: 2/13/1985
Age: 30 

Tell Us About Them:

Danielle's eyes were so blue and shiny she would lite up a room the minute she walked in. She was fun to be around and could make people laugh at their worst moments.

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

Danielle struggled with addiction for a few years. She was in rehab one month before her death and I really thought she was going to make it this time around.

What Made Them Smile?

Being around her family

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

I miss her smile and laugh

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

How proud I am for the fight she fought with addiction


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Heroin Memorial - 2014/09/14 - Isaac Perez - Age 18 yrs - Woodhaven, Michigan


09/14/2014 - Isaac Perez - Age 18 yrs - Woodhaven, Michigan

Submitted by: Jennifer Perez - Parent

Name: Isaac Perez
State:  Michigan, 48183
Date of Passing: 09/14/2014
Date of Birth: 12/06/1995
Age: 18 

Tell Us About Them:

Isaac loved music, playing guitar, singing, and he loved people. He would talk to anyone who needed to talk and try to help them.

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

Isaac used for about a year. It's like we never had a chance

What Made Them Smile?

His nephew Jayce made him smile, and the thought of being a daddy to his unborn daughter.

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

I miss his hugs the most

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

Stay in Texas baby, please just stay in Texas


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Heroin Memorial - 2014/04/01 - nicole thurmond - Age 20 yrs - Sullivan, Missouri


4-1+2014 - nicole thurmond - Age 20 yrs - Missouri

Submitted by: brenda Thurmond - Parent

Name: nicole thurmond
State:  Missouri, 63080
Date of Passing: 4-1- 2014
Date of Birth: 4-3-1993
Age: 20 

Tell Us About Them:

Loved her daughter Ariana full of life

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

Nicole struggled hard trying to fight her addication

What Made Them Smile?

Her daughter,her family

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

Everything our life together.

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

I love and miss you and want you back

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Heroin Memorial - 2015/03/25 - Paige Allen - Age 20 yrs - Rockford, Illinois


3/25/2015 - Paige Allen - Age 20 yrs - Illinois

Submitted by: Renee Lozdoski - Parent

Name: Paige Allen
State:  Illinois, 61102
Date of Passing: 3/25/2015
Date of Birth: 3/15/1995
Age: 20 

Tell Us About Them:

Paige was a loving and sensitive person. She always tried to help everyone else. Even when helping herself would have been better for her. She was funny and a free spirit and accepted everyone for who they were. She could light up a room with her infectious smile and sense of humor.

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

Paige was diagnosed with depression when she was 12. She struggled for 8 years with mental illness. She turned to drugs to self medicate when she was 13. She began with alcohol and eventually turned to heroin when she was 18. She overdosed on heroin with people she hardly knew 10 days after her 20th birthday.

What Made Them Smile?

She loved music, especially Sublime and Bob Marley. Her family and most of all her niece. She wanted so badly to be clean but just couldn't win the fight.

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

I miss her smile, laugh, sense of humor, and her big hugs. I miss having my beautiful, amazing daughter by my side.

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

Don't use, call me so I can come get you and help you. I love you forever and a day, and don't know what I would do without you.


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2015 Year End Memorial Tribute Video of Memories Shared With Us


Here is our 2015 year end memorial tribute video produced by us from the memories shared with us.   We hope by sharing this video we can help break the #STIGMA of addiction.  We also hope to put "faces" on the human lives that heroin ultimately took in the end because our loved ones deserve to be remembered for their struggles with the disease of addiction.  They were NOT "Junkies" or "Dope Fiends".  They were our loved ones who we shared vacations, holidays, birthdays with each year.  They were the ones that made us laugh & cry.  They are the ones portrayed in this video.  

Note: If you would like your loved one included in this video and others in the future please submit your memorial tribute by clicking this link.  You can also join our private grief support group at www.HeroinMemorial.org which membership is restricted to only members who have lost a loved one to heaven.


"Ask Me About My Angel" is the new slogan our grief support group has come up with to help with our nonprofit. You can support our nonprofit by purchasing one of our wristbands at by clicking here. 



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Heroin Memorial - 2015/01/14 - Michael Nugent - Age 31 yrs - Boothwyn, Pennsylvania


1/14/15 - Michael Nugent - Age 31 yrs - Pennsylvania

Submitted by: Linda Nugent - Parent

Name: Michael Nugent
State:  Pennsylvania, 19061
Date of Passing: 1/14/15
Date of Birth: 9/8/83
Age: 31 

Tell Us About Them:

He loved family and friends and having fun. He was kind and compassionate. He was very spiritual, a deep thinker and an old soul.

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

He struggled for about 8 years, having periods of clean time and then relapsing. He tried so hard, he desperately wanted to live a "normal" life and peruse his dreams. He hated being an addict.

What Made Them Smile?

Being with friends and family.

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

Every single thing, especially talking with him and hearing him laugh. I miss him every second of every day.

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

I love you and I'm sorry I couldn't save you.


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Heroin Memorial - 2013/12/14 - Nicole Ranalletta - Age 18 yrs - Webster, New York


12/14/2013 - Nicole Ranalletta - Age 18 yrs - New York

Submitted by: Christine Ranalletta - Parent

Name: Nicole Ranalletta
State:  New York, 14580
Date of Passing: 12/14/2013
Date of Birth: 03/30/1995
Age: 18 

Tell Us About Them:

Nicole was beautiful, smart, hilarious. The only person that didn't realize it was Nicole.

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

Nicole didn't use long, perhaps 9 or 10 months, at least two of which she was clean. Nicole relapsed 11 days before Christmas, I found her deceased in her bed.

What Made Them Smile?

Her dog Charlie, her baby cousins, and her Dad, the love of her life.

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

EVERYTHING..her smile, her laugh, just her being here. There's a hole in our world that can never be filled.

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

I love you, always did. I miss you, always will. I can't wait until we are together again, Nicole. I'm sorry we couldn't save you.


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Heroin Memorial - 2014/12/28 - Patrick McCann Jr - Age 34 yrs - Metuchen, New Jersey


12.28.2014 - Patrick McCann Jr - Age 34 yrs - New Jersey

Submitted by: Colleen Neumann - Sibling

Name: Patrick McCann Jr
State:  New Jersey, 08840
Date of Passing: 12.28.2014
Date of Birth: 09.14.1980
Age: 34 

Tell Us About Them:

Pat was a kind and wonderful person. He loved his family. One of his biggest wishes was to make people smile... and he was always making people laugh. Even through his struggles he did all he could to help those he loved.

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

Pat got addicted to pain killers that were prescribed to him for an on-going knee problem. He had knee problems since he was in high school. When the prescriptions ran out he turned to heroin. All of a sudden he was a different person on the outside. Three years later he found himself without a job, divorced, in and out of rehab, in and out of jail, and more than anything he was horribly disappointed in what had become of his life. He was afraid that the people he loved no longer loved him because of the decisions that he had made.

What Made Them Smile?

His son, his niece and nephew, animals, the Giants winning, the sunshine, and making others laugh.

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

His goofy laugh, his big hugs, his beautiful eyes, his crazy thumbs, how he said "beez" instead of "because" as a kid. I miss the future we didn't get to live together yet.

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

Of course I would tell him how much he is loved. But I would also apologize to him for not knowing how to handle his addiction. Never knowing what was the right thing to do... to say... to feel. And that I will miss him every single minute of everyday, until I see him again.


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Heroin Memorial - 2015/09/01 - Stephen Sullivan - Age 35 yrs - Lake View, New York


9/1/2015 - Stephen Sullivan - Age 35 yrs - New York

Submitted by: Jackie Sullivan - Parent

Name: Stephen Sullivan
State:  New York, 14085
Date of Passing: 9/1/2015
Date of Birth: 9/20/1979
Age: 35 

Tell Us About Them:

Very talented individual. Thoughtful, conscientious and charming! Only wanted in life to be productive, have a family and have others think well of him

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

Almost 20 years of a life long struggle with mental health and addiction. When he would relapse and fail he would dust himself off and start the process of recovery all over again

What Made Them Smile?

His nieces and he loved animals

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

His smile when he was happy!

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

I love you so much and I am so sorry I could not help you or save you


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Heroin Memorial - 2014/10/21 - Jaclyn Matott - Age 22 yrs - Belvidere, New Jersey


10/21/2014 - Jaclyn Matott - Age 22 yrs - Belvidere, New Jersey

Submitted by: Barbara Matott - Parent

Name: Jaclyn Matott
State:  New Jersey, 07823
Date of Passing: 10/21/2014
Date of Birth: 01/16/1992
Age: 22 

Tell Us About Them:

She was my only child. Smart and funny. Always there to help her friends but would never ask for help for herself - too proud and stubborn.

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

I only knew about it for about 2 years - finding out now through her friends that it was going on much longer than that in other forms. 2 rehabs, one sober living - numerous jobs - IOP - she just couldn't shake the demon. I know she wanted to so very badly.

What Made Them Smile?

Animals and her friends

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

Her smile, humor and laughter - hugging her - her smell - the way she knew me better than I know myself - It was always just me and her against the world -

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

I love you and I'm sorry that I couldn't save you.


#AskMeAboutMyAngel #HeroinMemorial #GoneToSoon

www.HeroinMemorial.org   www.HeroinSupport.org 

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Heroin Memorial - 2015/07/25 - Patrick Mullen - Age 32 - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Patrick Mullen1

Submitted by: Janell Mullen - Parent

Name: Patrick Mullen
PA 15210

Date of Passing: 07/25/2015
Date of Birth: 05/23/1983
Age: 32

Share Some Thoughts About Them

Tell Us About Them:

Patrick, had a heartfelt smile and quick sense of humor. Patrick was a kind and fun spirited young man and very intelligent he loved his son He brought life everywhere he went. 
he was loving and had a good heart .

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

Patrick struggled for years against and with his addiction . Countless times through clear eyes he wanted to so desperately to stop!

What Made Them Smile?

His Son , family , friends co workers

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

Our long talks about when he was little

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

Don't go

Patrick Mullen2

#AskMeAboutMyAngel #HeroinMemorial #GoneToSoon


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Heroin Memorial - 2015/01/31 - Vanessa Abbott - Age 24 yrs - Greensboro, North Carolina


01/31/2015 - Vanessa Abbott - Age 24 yrs - Greensboro, North Carolina

Submitted by: Randy Abbott - Parent

Name: Vanessa Abbott
State:  North Carolina, 27410
Date of Passing: 01/31/2015
Date of Birth: 06/23/90
Age: 24 

Tell Us About Them:

Vanessa would give everything to help others. Had a passion for life that few only imagine.

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

Don't know what to say. It was always an up and down.

What Made Them Smile?

Seeing others happy. To know she helped someone else reach their goals.

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

Absolutely Everything.

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

I Love You: Please don't go.


#AskMeAboutMyAngel #HeroinMemorial #GoneToSoon

www.HeroinMemorial.org   www.HeroinSupport.org 

Click here to submit your own memorial tribute.

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Heroin Memorial - 2015/02/24 - Jimmy Diggs - Age 43 yrs - Portsmouth, Virginia


2/24/2015 - Jimmy Diggs - Age 43 yrs - Virginia

Submitted by: Joy Ellis - Parent

Name: Jimmy Diggs
State:  Virginia, 23701
Date of Passing: 2/24/2015
Date of Birth: 7/30/1970
Age: 43 

Tell Us About Them:

Jimmy was my love, my best friend, so full of life, love, compassion, the sweetest heart & soul to myself & our ( my biological) 5 kids & 2 GRANDBABIES. He loved them all as his own & showed it everyday. With lifetime of struggled & disappointments, Jimmy was just loving " starting life" at the age of 43. I will always love, be thankful for him, his life changes, his love for me & mine. He was the most loyal man I've ever met, & I miss him so much everyday.. He's our angel

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

Jimmy had had an unknown struggle of mine, with diff drugs at diff times in his life. I met him & instantly had that connection, compassion, faith, & belief in him & his abilities & wants for life.. I didn't meet, fall in love with a heroine addict I fell in love with a real man who had life struggles, beliefs, so much love to give & wanted to receive. He was cheated out of a lot, but realized what he'd been missing & really needed & wanted to complete his life.. We were so in love & had many future plans some we already accomplished together, some we were working on, & our future.. This was def not on my list of things to be dealing with in my future,& never expected alone without him. I love you forever babe..!!

What Made Them Smile?

Jimmy enjoyed life, the extreme love for animals, kids, & the WAshington Redskins..

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

I miss everything, exsp his smile & huge heart..

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

Thank God I got to be there, lay with him for hours, saying all I wanted to say, hug, kiss him, how much I love him & gave him the ok to go to the lord,be at peace, free of the pain, that we'd be ok, as he took his last breath in my arms..4 days of pure hell.!! Overdose in our home 2/21/2015 became our angel 2/24/2015


#AskMeAboutMyAngel #HeroinMemorial #GoneToSoon

www.HeroinMemorial.org   www.HeroinSupport.org 

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