Heroin Support Blog

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Heroin Memorial - 2014/02/19 - Jacob Heider - Age 26 yrs - Milton, Wisconsin


2/19/2014 - Jacob Heider - Age 26 yrs - Wisconsin

Submitted by: Lori Blum - Parent

Name: Jacob Heider
State:  Wisconsin, 53563
Date of Passing: 2/19/2014
Date of Birth: 9/21/1987
Age: 26 

Tell Us About Them:

I always remember from birth on, he was a happy baby. Had a soft spot for anyone who was hurting. Handed out hugs even if you weren't a hugger. Loved to make people smile. Said if you can make on person laugh a day, his day was worth it! Always was singing something. And loved to dance tho he had two left feet! He could never sit still..always into something or headed out the door. Never was selfish until his addiction took over. Always watched over me making sure I was taken care of, wanted momma happy.

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

My ex and I divorced when Jacob was 2. His dad was into drugs so Jacob saw things he should never have seen. He smoked pot at the age of 9. Didn't like to drink but did because " everyone is doing it"! I believe around 14, he tried cocaine. But moved forward fast to prescription drugs. OxyContin being his choice. His girlfriend moms medicine cabinet being the prime location. He didn't finish high school, but went to Wisconsin teen challenge academy and excelled . Got his GED, awards galore. I always said he was a product of his environment. But as soon as he came back home, it wasn't long before he was back at it. I believe heroin came in the picture after he finished boot camp . He joined the Army, graduated , and they stationed him in Hawaii. He lasted a little over a year and got kicked out, served jail time and came home. From that moment on, I knew I lost my son. For 3 years, I had him in 4 different rehabs, the last in California ...he made it 7 months, left, and the night he left od'd in a hotel room all by himself on sunset Blvd.

What Made Them Smile?

Music! And his beautiful little girl.

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

Hearing him sing...his voice...hearing him say " I love you mom" . Talking to him about everything...but most of all, his hugs! Made my day a lot brighter when he hugged me.

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

Oh, how hard this one is! Cause I have so many things I would love to say before I would say...Honey, if your life on earth was meant to be played out as it did, then you are where you are to be. I could never watch you suffer , as you did, for a lifetime. No matter how selfish I want to be, he is not hurting anymore!


#AskMeAboutMyAngel #HeroinMemorial #GoneToSoon

www.HeroinMemorial.org   www.HeroinSupport.org 

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