Heroin Support Blog

Our goal here is to provide our readers with the latest information about the signs substance abuse disorder, support groups, treatment options, life in recovery, prevention & advocacy in our communities, and how to deal with the grief of a lost loved one. If you have ideas or suggestions that you wish to share with us here please use our "Contact Us" page at the very bottom of this page to email us. You can click on our Memorial Map to add your loved ones tribute to the map and then a few days later we will add them to our memorial blog.

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Heroin Memorial - 2013/08/17 - Michael Ferrell - Age 20 yrs - Kenton, Ohio


08/17/13 - Michael Ferrell - Age 20 yrs - Ohio

Submitted by: Jawna Ferrell - Parent

Name: Michael Ferrell
State:  Ohio, 43326
Date of Passing: 08/17/13
Date of Birth: 01/07/93
Age: 20 

Tell Us About Them:

Michael was so caring. He also had a great sense of humor. Always putting a smile on someones face. He was also very prorective over his family. He loved racing greyhounds

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

Michaels addiction began with pills when he was 16. He kept this hidden well. He came to me on Christmas 2012 and told me of his addiction then a couple days later saying he started using heroin. He wanted help but he had bo insurance. We went on to detox him at home a few minths later. He relapsed on Aug 17 2013 and lost his life

What Made Them Smile?

Making others smile. He also always had a huge grin on his face after winning a final with his dog

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

His voice, his hugs, watching movies together, his laugh. So much

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

I love you and there was becer a time that I didnt.

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Heroin Memorial - 2014/02/25 - Alexander Brossoit - Age 25 yrs - Stewartville, Minnesota


2/25/2014 - Alexander Brossoit - Age 25 yrs - Stewartville, Minnesota

Submitted by: Ward Brossoit - Parent

Name: Alexander Brossoit
State:  Minnesota, 55976
Date of Passing: 2/25/2014
Date of Birth: 3/17/1988
Age: 25 

Tell Us About Them:

Alex was a loving son that loved being with his family and friends. He truly loved being in the outdoors.

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

Alex struggled with drugs from middle school until his passing. He went through treatment many times, and was able to help others with his big shoulders, but not himself.

What Made Them Smile?

His nieces and nephews along with his dog made him smile.

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

I really miss his laughter and big bear hugs.

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

No matter what happens, I will always love you to the moon and back.

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Heroin Memorial - 2015/11/03 - Mikey Fielders - Age 31 yrs - Eliot, Maine


11/03/2015 - Mikey Fielders - Age 31 yrs - Eliot, Maine

Submitted by: Michael Fielders - Parent

Name: Mikey Fielders
State:  Maine, 03903
Date of Passing: 11/03/2015
Date of Birth: 03/31/1984
Age: 31 

Tell Us About Them:

He was a great father of 2 children. He was a very hard worker. He was trying to get clean. A week before his passing he went through a 72 hour detox. He thought it was a bed to bed transfer. He called us that morning that he was released from detox. He told us that the rehab center told him that he was 5th on a waiting list. How is it. You ask for help. Just to be put on a waiting list. We think it was because he had no insurance. He applied both for Obama care and state Medicare. He was turn down for both. This was the result of a work related injury. He was over prescribed pain killers. This happened 6 years prior to his death. This disease needs this nation's attention.

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

Opiates over presribed 6 years prior. Drop by insurance companie. Seeked pain killers out on his own for 4 years then turned to Heroin for the last 2 years. Fentanyl laced Heroin is what killed him.

What Made Them Smile?

His two children.

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

We have temporary custody of his 2 children. He enjoyed comming over every night . feeding them. Getting them ready for bed and reading to them before tucking them into bed. He was a great son and father.

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

We love you Mikey and miss you very much.


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Heroin Memorial - 2011/02/11 - Andy Katchuk - Age 22 yrs - Raleigh, North Carolina


2/11/11 - Andy Katchuk - Age 22 yrs - Raleigh, North Carolina

Submitted by: Pam Katchuk - Parent

Name: Andy Katchuk
State:  North Carolina, 27612
Date of Passing: 2/11/11
Date of Birth: 10/10/88
Age: 22 

Tell Us About Them:

Andy was our only child. He was the sweetest child. He was a straight-A student, a gifted violinist, and was an exchange student in France. He was dearly loved by his parents and friends.

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

it happened slowly and insidiously. He was still highly functioning, but his first OD was his last.

What Made Them Smile?

His friends, a good joke, new clothes.

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

His hugs and his beautiful smile.

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

Thank you for the beautiful years you gave us. You are loved forever and never forgotten.

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Heroin Memorial - 2013/11/13 - Tyler Cook - Age 25 yrs - Connersville, Indiana


11/13/13 - Tyler Cook - Age 25 yrs - Connersville, Indiana

Submitted by: amy cook - Parent

Name: Tyler Cook
State:  Indiana, 47331
Date of Passing: 11/13/13
Date of Birth: 04/16/1988
Age: 25 

Tell Us About Them:

Tyler was the sweetest person, with a huge heart. All his friends said they could talk to him about anything.

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

Tyler started with prescription meds in late teens and in his early 20's was introduced to heroine. He was clean for about a year when he relapsed.

What Made Them Smile?

His family!

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

Everything, his hugs, his smile, his contagious laughter.

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

I love you

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Heroin Memorial - 2015/05/26 - Justin Vanwinkle - Age 28 yrs - Salvisa, Kentucky


05/26/2015 - Justin Vanwinkle - Age 28 yrs - Salvisa, Kentucky

Submitted by: Kim Anderson - Parent

Name: Justin Vanwinkle
State:  Kentucky, 40372
Date of Passing: 05/26/2015
Date of Birth: 10/16/1986
Age: 28 

Tell Us About Them:

Justin was a wonderful person who loved family and friends but adored his beautiful daughter.

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

Started smoking pot after high school. Progressed into pills and then heroin.

What Made Them Smile?

His daughter

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

His smile, his love for life,

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

I love you

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Heroin Memorial - 2015/07/31 - Todd Weissman - Age 42 yrs - Kissimmee, Florida


07/31/2015 - Todd Weissman - Age 42 yrs - Florida

Submitted by: Gilah Weissman - Spouse

Name: Todd Weissman
State:  Florida, 34744
Date of Passing: 07/31/2015
Date of Birth: 05/25/1973
Age: 42 

Tell Us About Them:

Very loving and caring, funny, smart

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

Struggling for 20 years with periods of long recovery

What Made Them Smile?

His family

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

His hugs

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

I love you


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Heroin Memorial - 2011/03/26 - Jesse Kincaid - Age 19 yrs - Brownsburg, Indiana


3-26-2011 - Jesse Kincaid - Age 19 yrs - Brownsburg, Indiana

Submitted by: Shelley Kincaid - Parent

Name: Jesse Kincaid 
State:  Indiana, 46112
Date of Passing: 3-26-2011
Date of Birth: 1-10-1992
Age: 19 

Tell Us About Them:

He was funny.

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

It was ongoing.

What Made Them Smile?

His nephew.

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

His gift of gab.

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

I love and miss you.


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Heroin Memorial - 2015/12/10 - Joshua Janne Sandkuhler - Age 34 yrs - Baltimore, Maryland


12/10/2015 - Joshua Janne Sandkuhler - Age 34 yrs - Baltimore, Maryland

Submitted by: Stephen and Linnea Sandkuhler - Parent

Name: Joshua Janne Sandkuhler
State:  Maryland, 21213
Date of Passing: 12/10/2015
Date of Birth: May 12, 1981
Age: 34 

Tell Us About Them:

Dear Family, Friends, Neighbors, Acquaintances, Co-Workers, Music Associates, and Our Heroes in “The Program,”

In the early morning of December 10, 2015, our son, Joshua, died from a heroin overdose. We believe his addiction started about 12 years ago but it’s hard to say for certain because this disease of the Devil entered our home as slowly and quietly as a snowflake hits the ground. Over time, we came to realize there was a lot of snow on the ground.

You may be wondering: Why in the world would anyone want to share such a dark family secret…expose the “Scarlet Letter?” There are several reasons.

Joshua’s life cannot and will not be defined by his addiction. Josh had this evil disease but his disease is not who he was. So, who was Josh? In his “professional” life, Josh was:

A brave firefighter and BLS technician with the BCFD
A skilled bridge inspection technician
A prolific and profound guitarist-singer-songwriter
An extremely talented engineer and producer of music for live performances and studio
A creative writer of stories
An aspiring photographer, woodworker, jewelry maker

All these things greatly impacted many people. All are now discontinued. This is WHAT addiction stole from the world.

But these things were his occupations, hobbies. Although they offer a glimpse of who Josh was, we don’t believe Josh, any addicted person, or any person, really, should be defined by their occupation. So, again, who was Josh?

A strong believer in, defender of, and evangelist for his Catholic Faith (Yes, you can have ugly faults and still remain true to your Faith.)
A loving, caring son, brother, uncle, nephew, and cousin (He always ended his phone conversations with “Tell everybody I love them very much and give ‘em a big hug for me.”)
A loyal friend to many
An empathic listener to anyone
A believer that “Right” was right and “Left” was wrong (I had to steal this line.)
A gifted storyteller and always an entertainer

Those of you who knew our son could testify to this being Josh. (Many already have on social media.) All these things greatly impacted many people in a positive way. But they are all now discontinued. THIS is WHO addiction stole from the world.

People who suffer – and their suffering is unimaginable - from this evil disease are not bad people. When not recovering, they are dreadful but it’s not who they really are. They are like our Josh. They are somebody’s mother/father, son/daughter, brother/sister, uncle/aunt, niece/nephew, cousin. Those with substance addiction have a devastating disease that requires intensive medical care, tough love, and an unearthly measure of patience and understanding. It’s very hard to look into those glazed eyes and recognize there’s a breathing human being inside. We know. We have looked into the eyes of our son but couldn’t see our beautiful Joshua. But, yes, sadly, it was. And as long as any one of these suffering people is still breathing God’s air, there is Hope, Hope for recovery that the person can again be who they are, not what they do. Hope is, many times, all they have left to lose. Hope is the last line of defense.

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

it was a long battle

What Made Them Smile?

family and friends

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

his sense of humorI

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

love you

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Heroin Memorial - 2015/07/25 - Noah Sams - Age 18 yrs - Rock Creek, Ohio


07/25/2015 - Noah Sams - Age 18 yrs - Rock Creek, Ohio

Submitted by: Kari Rhodes - Parent

Name: Noah Sams
State:  Ohio, 44084
Date of Passing: 07/25/2015
Date of Birth: 08/31/1996
Age: 18 

Tell Us About Them:

Noah was the most loving caring person I've ever known. Noah would take the shirt off his back to help anyone. Noah was not judgemental but noah was always so sensitive and felt judged. Noah was popular with the girls and friends but never felt good enough for some reason. Noah treated all females with the upmost respect. He would open doors for them, he would stick up for anyone being picked on. Noah was active in basketball, baseball, football, wrestling and loved the water and beaches. Noah started college at Kent state University fresh out of high school. He wanted to be a detective and help others. We really started to lose noah when his 20 yr old sister deandra passed away here at home of an overdose. He was lost without her.

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

Noah took pain pills for back injuries, and tonsil surgery prior to his heroin use. Noah overdosed on his deceased sisters first birthday after she deceased. This was his first time using. He was saved with the use of narcam. Noah said he just wanted to understand his sisters death. We sent him straight from ICU to glenbeigh treatment center but noah had lost his will to live. Noah asked jests into his heart a month before he died. Noah was found in low income housing on a bathroom floor. The kids noah was with left him on a bathroom floor for 30 minutes before calling 911. It was too late he was lifeflighted to Cleveland and on life support for 2 weeks with no brain activity. Noah went into cardiac arrest 3 times. I made the decision to let him go and he donated 8 vital organs and saved 5 people's lives. He was a hero.

What Made Them Smile?

Noah loved sports, the beach and the water.

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

I miss everything about noah. I miss his smile, his hugs (my hugged bear) I miss his patients, tender heart, caring voice. Noah was a laid back simple man.

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

Son I love you and miss you so much. I feel empty. I feel I will NEVER be whole again. I feel cheated. I will never get to see you have children or marry. I understand you not wanting to suffer anymore and I'm glad your not suffering but I thought we would make it out of this alive. I now feel dead inside but will continue on for your little sisters. I do feel you near me when I need you most so thank you and I can not wait for the day we all reunite again. I am proud of the young man you were regardless of the outcome. I will love you forever and a day my son.


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Heroin Memorial - 2014/10/05 - Gregory DeHotel - Age 23 yrs - South Plainfield, New Jersey


10/05/2014 - Gregory DeHotel - Age 23 yrs - South Plainfield, New Jersey

Submitted by: Patty DeHotel - Parent

Name: Gregory DeHotel
State:  New Jersey, 07080
Date of Passing: 10/05/2014
Date of Birth: 11/15/1990
Age: 23 

Tell Us About Them:

He was the most caring person, would do anything for anyone. He was learning a new trade and beginning to love his new life. He was my youngest of 5 children and we have a very close family. This has broken us apart and we are lost without him. He is missed terribly.

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

His struggle I think was right out of high school but became worse in years to come. He struggle for many years but we finally thought we had this beat. Heroin is evil. It took my baby after 15 months clean.

What Made Them Smile?

His family, especially his nieces and nephews. Also working on and reaching his goals made him happy.

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

His hugs, his voice, his laugh, him coming for coffee before work in the morning. Not one thing is easier than another. I miss everything about him.

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

I love you so much. I'm so sorry I wasn't here for you that horrible day. I don't know what made you go back but I wish I was around to make a difference that day.


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Heroin Memorial - 2015/12/21 - Sean Yates - Age 20 yrs - Linden, Michigan


12/21/2015 - Sean Yates - Age 20 yrs - Linden, Michigan

Submitted by: Lisa Yates - Parent

Name: sean Yates
State:  Michigan, 48451
Date of Passing: 12/21/2015
Date of Birth: Dec 26 1992
Age: 20 

Tell Us About Them:

He was popular, athletic, loved people a wonderful son♥

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

He did what most kids do party & experiment things he shouldn't have. He didn't think he had a problem until the day before he died he realized he could be addicted

What Made Them Smile?

Friends and sports and unfortunately the ultimate high that leads to death.

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

The son he use to be before drugs ruled although toward the end of his life he was treating us better he was working & feeling better about himself although he still had a drug problem..and I believe if he was here today..he was getting tired of the drug life & realizing he had a problem I'm thinking he may have been ready for help.

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

I love n miss you so much..I know you are with God and I will see you again Hugs n kisses love Mom n dad n Wayne and Tiffany


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Heroin Memorial - 2015/05/11 - Suzanne Harley - Age 37 yrs - Columbus, Ohio


5-11-15 - Suzanne Harley - Age 37 yrs - Columbus, Ohio

Submitted by: Rhonda Gurio - Parent

Name: Suzanne Harley
State:  Ohio, 43213
Date of Passing: 5-11-15
Date of Birth: 6-5-77
Age: 37 

Tell Us About Them:

She loved her kitties, her little boy, her nieces and nephews.

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

Suzanne lost her son. She never got over the loss of her son. The drugs masked her pain.

What Made Them Smile?

Her kitties, her nieces and nephews

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

Her smile!

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

I love you!

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Heroin Memorial - 2014/01/25 - Deandra Sams - Age 20 yrs - Rock Creek, Ohio


01/25/2014 - Deandra Sams - Age 20 yrs - Rock Creek, Ohio

Submitted by: Kari Rhodes - Parent

Name: Deandra Sams
State:  Ohio, 44084
Date of Passing: 01/25/2014
Date of Birth: 10/05/1993
Age: 20 

Tell Us About Them:

Deandra always had a passion for art, music and children. Deandra spend a lot of time with her little sisters and her friends babies. Deandra would take her friends babies for a day just to give her friends and break. Deandra was extremely intelligent and started college at Kent state University while still being in the 11th grade high school. She was complicating but very loving. She never ended a conversation or even argument without saying "be safe and I love you." No matter how mad she was at anyone.

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

Deandra began to show signs of drug use at 17 yrs old right before high school graduation. She had been on pain pills for back pain and a broken wrist prior to this. Deandra attacked me in my sleep while still in her work uniform and I knew she was sick from there. I called the police in hopes they would take her to the hospital and test her. They did not test her but put her on probation and ordered her to 30 days of treatment. I sent her to Florida for treatment and hoped she would start fresh down there. She finished her 30 days and decided not to go on with their aftercare. She came home and completed 6 mths of Intensive Outpatient Program. The night she died in was out with my husband celebrating my birthday because she encouraged me to celebrate. Her 4 yr old little sister found her slumped against the wall in her bed with brown stuff running down her arm (deceased). She ran and got her 11 yr old sister and they went to the neighbors house. The coroner took her before I could make it home. That was the last I saw my baby girl. Her brother was 17 and now the struggle would begin with him as well.

What Made Them Smile?

Children, music, and friends. She was always pranking people and making jokes.

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

I miss the way she spent quality time with her little sisters and brother. I miss her smile and voice. I miss even the arguments. I miss everything.

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

I'm sorry I couldn't save you. I was supposed to protect you and I feel like I failed. I worked too much, went to school to much and somhow I missed something. You didn't even drink alcohol and we're deathly afraid of needles. I would have never imagined you getting involved in heroin. I love you so much forever and always. I'm happy you are no longer suffering.


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Heroin Memorial - 2013/07/23 - Tony Todisco - Age 25 yrs - Chelmsford, Massachusetts


2013/07/23 - Tony Todisco - Age 25 yrs - Chelmsford, Massachusetts

Submitted by: Joni Todisco - Parent

Name: Tony Todisco
State:  Massachusetts, 01863
Date of Passing: 7 23 13
Date of Birth: 1 16 88
Age: 25 

Tell Us About Them:

Tony was a union roofer married with two young boys.he was a son and oldest brother.

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

Tony had many addictions over the yrs.he drank smoked pot and went to cocaine.he started per 30 and then went to heroin.

What Made Them Smile?

His boys. His wife and family and friends

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

His smile and big blue eyes

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

I'd tell him I love him and miss him.id say goodbye as I didn't get to other than after autopsy.id tell him I'm sorry and if I was there I'd have saved him.


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Heroin Memorial - 2014/05/25 - Coty Glass - Dry Ridge, KY 41035


Submitted by: Dupuy- parent

Angel's Name:  Coty Glass
Date of Birth:
Date of Passing: 05/25/2014
Dry Ridge, Kentucky 41035

Tell Us About Them
My oldest of 3 children and the first person that I knew I would die for.  Coty loved anything to do with nature and being outside.  He loved to hunt, ride horses and four wheelers, pull tractors,  target shoot and making others laugh. He looked forward to spring and summer!!  He loved the sun... he always said it made him feel so alive.  He was a happy,outgoing child and young man until the accident that took his best friend.

Addiction Struggles
Coty's stuggle with addiction began at 16.  He was in a horrific car accident at took his best friends life.  My son was in the hospital for 8 days and bed bound for several more months.   He was given Percocet's for the pain and later he began abusing them to "forget" the pain of losing his friend.  He used pills until he was introduced heroin at 21.

What Made Them Smile
Coty loved food, the sun, the outdoors, family.

What Do You Miss
I miss everything!!  I mostly miss his smile, his hugs, his sarcastic wit and the way he made my heart happy!!!  


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Heroin Memorial - 2013/07/13 - Anthony Todisco - Age 25 yrs - Dracut, Massachusetts


2013/07/13 - Anthony Todisco - Age 25 yrs - Dracut, Massachusetts

Submitted by: Joan Todisco - Parent

Name: Anthony Todisco
State:  Massachusetts, 01826
Date of Passing: 7 23 13
Date of Birth: 1 16 88
Age: 25 

Tell Us About Them:

Tony was a son brother father husband.he was a union roofer out of boston.lived in Dracut mass till married and lived in Salem nh.he was a member of national guard till he became roofer

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

He struggled all thru highscool.he quit drinking put went to perks then heroin.he went into rehab in Florida but left as he missed his wife and sons

What Made Them Smile?

His family and friends.his two boys and his love of his life his high school wife.

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

His personality his smile and his big blue eyes

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

To say I love you and sorry I wasn't there to save him like I have his little brothers.


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Heroin Memorial - 2013/02/14 - Tawni Pina - Age 21 yrs - Florence, Kentucky


2013/02/14 - Tawni Pina - Age 21 yrs - Florence, Kentucky

Submitted by: Traci Wolfe - Parent

Name: Tawni Pina
State:  Kentucky, 41042
Date of Passing: 2/14/13
Date of Birth: 10/10/91
Age: 21 

Tell Us About Them:

Tawni was my only child. She was my everything. She was very shy. She desperately wanted everyone to like her. Tawni had alot of acquaintances but not alot of real friends. The true friends she did have, all considered her to be their best friend because that's how she treated each of them. She had a huge heart. She absolutely could not pass a homeless person without giving them money. She spent her summers in high school volunteering at a camp for disabled children. She would do anything for anyone. She was also very silly and loved to laugh and make people laugh. She loved music and loved to dance but only when no one was watching lol. She was not very good at it. I could probably go on forever about all the wonderful things about her because to me, she was perfect. I miss her!!

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

Tawni's struggle in life was her mental illness. She was diagnosed severe Anorexia at age 10. At age 11 she developed a heart condition caused by her eating disorder. Around age 12 or 13 she also developed OCD. Around 15 the eating disorder got better but she replaced it with cutting. She was depressed, hearing voices, obsessing over everything made multiple suicide attempts. She was diagnosed with several mental illnesses and was in and out of mental hospitals. Drugs were never a problem. In the end of 2012 she got out of a 3 yr abusive relationship. I don't think I had ever seen her so happy. She was enjoying life. At least that's what I thought. Jan 29th 2013 I was looking for something in her purse. What I found was Heroin. I was in such shock. She didn't even smoke cigarettes. I knew nothing about Heroin. I had no idea kids were even doing this drug. I confronted her. She cried and apologized. She said she wanted help. We sat and spent days calling every rehab in the area. Every single one told us the same thing. 6-9 month waiting list. Tawni didn't have 6-9 months. On February 14 2013, just 2 wks after I found it in her purse, Tawni died from a Heroin overdose. I can only guess how long she was using. My best guess is 3-5 months. Apparently she met a boy who she really liked and he was a Heroin addict. It is believed that he introduced her to it. I am changed forever and I don't think my heart will never recover from this.

What Made Them Smile?

Helping people made her smile. She just got so much joy from helping people and feeling needed.

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

Her smile, her hugs, her laughter, her silliness...everything!

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

I love you!


#AskMeAboutMyAngel #HeroinMemorial #GoneToSoon

www.HeroinMemorial.org   www.HeroinSupport.org 

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Heroin Memorial - 2015/09/10 - Adam Pierce - Age 37 yrs - Cortland, Ohio


2015/09/10 - Adam Pierce - Age 37 yrs - Cortland, Ohio

Submitted by: JoEllen Pierce - Parent

Name: Adam Pierce
State:  Ohio, 44410
Date of Passing: 9/10/15
Date of Birth: 6/28/78
Age: 37 

Tell Us About Them:

Adam was a good hearted man, anyone who needed anything, he was there for them, he just couldn't help himself. He had the prettiest blue eyes. He was a dad to 2 great kids. His daughter is 16 and his son is 14. He worked full time ag General Motors, a job he was very proud of. He always made people laugh and he was loved by many.

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

Adam was diagnosed ADHD at a young age and bi-polar at 21 yrs. old. He tried to find normalcey anyone he could, which led him to the wrong things. He was clean for 5 weeks and was at a sober house where he passed 1 1/2 days after being placed there.

What Made Them Smile?

His kids made him smile, but this past year, even they couldn't make him happy anymore, he was lost in his addiction.

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

His life was chaotic and it was hard for the family but I miss the old sparkle in his eyes and his fun sense of humor that he lost along the way.

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

I will always love you Adam, and I tried my best to have you love your life and the good things in it. I know you finally found the peace you so often told me you were seeking.


#AskMeAboutMyAngel #HeroinMemorial #GoneToSoon

www.HeroinMemorial.org   www.HeroinSupport.org 

Click here to submit your own memorial tribute.

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Heroin Memorial - 2013/04/30 - Ashlie Terry - Age 21 yrs - Clinton, Utah


2013/04/30 - Ashlie Terry - Age 21 yrs - Clinton, Utah

Submitted by: Jill Jensen - Parent

Name: Ashlie Terry
State:  Utah, 84015
Date of Passing: 04/30/2013
Date of Birth: 03/06/1992
Age: 21 

Tell Us About Them:

Ashlie believed in Peace and Love. She was the youngest of 3 children. She loved everyone and loved all animals. She was the most giving person I have ever met.

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

Ashlie suffered from addiction she had an addictive personality. If is wasn't drinking cough syrup she would be doing another drug to escape from what I'm not sure of..

What Made Them Smile?

Baby animals, Giving, making other people happy!

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

Just everything about her! Her hugs! She always said I love you!

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

I love you Ashlie! I miss you more than words can express! My heart aches for you but I know you are at peace!


#AskMeAboutMyAngel #HeroinMemorial #GoneToSoon

www.HeroinMemorial.org   www.HeroinSupport.org 

Click here to submit your own memorial tribute.

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