14717-14899 Caldwell Ave, Cleveland, Ohio, 44111
Joseph A Reindle
Big Joe
Roxanne Reindle
My brother was such a happy and outgoing person. He was the funniest person ever. Even if it drove me crazy sometimes, I loved him totally. He wasn't just my little brother he was my best friend. I miss him every single minute of the day. His favorite thing was to go camping. But he LOVED being a uncle to my 3 kids.
He got addicted to pills from being sick n prescribed opiate pain killers for many years. Eventually he turned to heroin. (Its how many addicts start) also was prescribed Xanax. They wrote him scripts like it was candy. Ive been sober 15 year plus. And he always begged me to get sober. I did. Im so glad he seen me change my life. I just wish I could of helped change his.
My children made him smile. He loved to aggravate. Playing around i should say. He loved making people laugh.
I miss his funniest. I miss him coming over to just visit. I miss camping with him. He never got to meet my grandson Aidan. I wish he could of met him. I miss his smile n his hugs.
I Love you Joe and You are the Best Brother a sister could ever ask for. But id beg him to please quit using so he dont die.