100-176 Beaufort Rd, Pollocksville, North Carolina, 28573
Their Name
Matthew Fothergill
Their Nickname
Age at Time They Passed
Date Passed
Your First & Last Name
Anthony and Karen Fothergill
Relationship to Loved One
Other Relative
Tell us what they were like before they developed a substance use disorder*
Matthew was smart, funny and full of life
Tell us about their struggles with substance use disorder
Matthew broke his neck playing High school football. He was prescribed an opioid for pain. Matthew became addicted to the medication which led to his 8 year addiction. He wanted to get better and take control of his life again. He entered a 2 year rehab program and excelled in his sobriety until he relapsed in 2016, which ended his life.
What made them smile?
Spending time with his children and his family was most important in his life.
What do you miss the most about them today?
His beautiful smile, his warm hugs, his quirky personality and sense of humor. His love and compassion to help others.
If you had a chance to say one more thing to today what would it be?
I love you son