63349, Hawk Point, Missouri
Their Name
Greg Heidbrink
Their Nickname
No content available.
Age at Time They Passed
Date Passed
Your First & Last Name
Ashley Cameron
Relationship to Loved One
Tell us what they were like before they developed a substance use disorder*
Sadly, I've never known my brother before his substance abuse.
Tell us about their struggles with substance use disorder
Greg’s addiction to meth began before I was even born. He spent a majority of his adult life in prison because of it. It also caused the relationship with his two children to become estranged and ultimately take his life when he unknowlying snorted fentanyl laced meth. Greg was born to teenage parents; his dad would spend most of his life in prison and our mom would abuse and neglect him. He would grow up calling his step dad, my father, dad. My dad would proudly call him his son and was so happy to let Greg move in with him this last year to help care for him, and he was pleased to do it. Our brother Zach had died 22 days prior of an overdose and Greg was so devastated by it he didnt even attend the funeral. He stayed home and got high instead.
What made them smile?
What do you miss the most about them today?
His voice.
If you had a chance to say one more thing to today what would it be?
Your not alone. We all love you so much and we can all get through this together.