Their Name
Alyssa E Anderson
Their Nickname
No content available.
Age at Time They Passed
Date Passed
Your First & Last Name
Annette R Renk
Relationship to Loved One
Parent (Biological, foster,step)
Tell us what they were like before they developed a substance use disorder*
Alyssa was a free spirit, a lover of nature and animals. She was artistic and loved all kinds of music. Her quirky sense of humor made everyone smile.
Tell us about their struggles with substance use disorder
Alyssa started her use of drugs as a teen with Marijuana. She was dealing with struggles and I believe experimented with lots of other things as she got older. At one point I found prescription medications missing from a lock box, that was when I found out she was abusing those. Not long after that came the heroin. Alyssa also had an alcohol problem.
What made them smile?
Anytime we were exploring a new location, or antique shops. She liked to find strange old things.
What do you miss the most about them today?
Her laugh, the way she would tease me about things. Just her overall presence.
If you had a chance to say one more thing to today what would it be?
I hate the drug companies that put these drugs out there and said they were safe! I blame the big pharmaceutical companies for this entire epidemic.