
2009/02/15 - Brett Cowling - Age 24 yrs - Clairfontaine, France.

Submitted by: Debbie Fenton - Parent

Name: Brett Cowling 
State:  Please choose a state., 2197

Date of Passing: 15/2/2009
Date of Birth: 29/4/1984
Age: 24 

Tell Us About Them:

Brett was friendly,loving son who didn't have friends and always struggled to fit in.

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

Brett started smoking pot with friends and stealing, he went to jail and when he came out he discovered a group of people and heroin. He also had hep C.

What Made Them Smile?

When he was with family, he knew they loved him so he was free to be himself.

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

everything his smile,his jokes. Him chasing his little sister who he adored.

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

To let him know I love him forever.

#AskMeAboutMyAngel #HeroinMemorial #GoneToSoon 

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